Man sentenced to prison says he took it too far in fight over ex-girlfriend

A Riverton man who admitted to stabbing his ex-girlfriend’s new man was sentenced to between one and 15 years in prison on May 16.
A Riverton man who admitted to stabbing his ex-girlfriend’s new man was sentenced to between one and 15 years in prison on May 16. | Spenser Heaps, Deseret News

A Riverton man who admitted to stabbing his ex-girlfriend's new man will spend between one and 15 years in prison after he was sentenced on May 16.

Ismael Castro, 44, pleaded guilty to attempted murder, a second-degree felony, on March 6. He said on April 25, 2021, he was defending himself and "took it too far" by attempting to kill the other man.

"I was not justified," Castro said in his plea statement.

According to charging documents, he went to his former girlfriend's home, where she was working on a car with her boyfriend. Castro then pushed the boyfriend without saying anything to initiate a fight.

The boyfriend, charges state, put Castro in a headlock and then tried to deescalate the situation and leave the area, but Castro continued to act aggressively. He attacked the boyfriend with a knife before he ran away from the scene.

The charges said that while Castro stabbed the victim, he shouted "now nobody gets what they want."

The victim had a collapsed lung and a minor cut to his liver.

At the sentencing, both the victim and Castro spoke to 3rd District Judge Linda Jones before she sentenced Castro to prison.

The attempted murder charge was initially a first-degree felony, but it was amended to a second-degree felony as part of a plea deal.