Man stages gunpoint robbery to propose to girlfriend in wild video

That’s not the way to steal a woman’s heart.

A man in Colombia redefined “shotgun wedding” after staging an elaborate armed robbery so he could propose to his girlfriend, as seen in a video currently blowing up on Instagram.

In the wild clip, filmed Saturday in Cali, a red car is seen pulling up to an intersection when all of a sudden, a pedestrian and motorcycle block its path, Jam Press reported.

Then, two of the so-called assailants approach the vehicle and command the occupants — a man and a woman — to “get out.”

Shortly thereafter, two more men arrive on another motorcycle and join the apparent “carjacking.”

Many viewers dubbed the stunt dumb and dangerous. Jam Press Vid
Many viewers dubbed the stunt dumb and dangerous. Jam Press Vid

The petrified couple are subsequently ripped from the car as one of the men brandishes what looks like a small concealed handgun at the petrified woman.

Things turn even more terrifying when two members of the gang force the male motorist to his knees in the middle of the street.

Then, in a bizarre twist, the men stop shouting and the kneeling fellow whips out a wedding ring, revealing that the “robbery” was actually an elaborate setup for a marriage proposal.

The accomplices erupt into claps and cheers, pleased that they were able to pull off such an audacious wedding deception.

Initially outraged over being punked, the woman playfully smacks her hubby-to-be, before breaking down into tears of joy over the momentous development.

The woman is overcome with emotion. Jam Press Vid
The woman is overcome with emotion. Jam Press Vid

It seems that the prankster managed to steal her heart. The clip concludes with the woman seemingly accepting his proposal as the two embrace in front of cheering onlookers.

Many viewers on social media were impressed by the ballsy prank with one fan dubbing it “the best proposal.”

“You have to love someone wholeheartedly to be with them in health and sickness, in kidnappings or robberies,” quipped another.

The robbery is revealed to be a ruse. Jam Press Vid
The robbery is revealed to be a ruse. Jam Press Vid

However, others were less thrilled with one critic deeming the ruse an “incitement to violence,” per local media.

“How sad it is to have violence and insecurity so normalized,” lamented one viewer on Instagram.

“I say no to him!!!” said another. “Imagine the other proposals? Love you want to go on vacation and fake a kidnapping.”

This isn’t the first time someone has proposed to their other half under the guise of a theft.

In 2019, a bozo was ripped mercilessly after staging an armed robbery at a convenience store in Erie County, NY, so he could pop the question.