Man uses car to grill steaks and burgers in scorching Arizona heat

Man uses car to grill steaks and burgers in scorching Arizona heat

As the blistering summer heat encompasses Arizona, one TikToker decided to take advantage of the scorching conditions and create meals from the rising temperatures.

TikToker Joe Brown decided to try preparing meals from burgers, steaks and even cakes inside his vehicle. In one of his videos, Brown can be seen placing a tray of hamburger buns and patties on the dashboard of his car in Phoenix, Arizona.

Brown then uses a thermometer to check the temperature of the patties, which reached over 203 degrees Fahrenheit. In another video, Brown mixes cake mix into a pan and placed it on the dashboard.

Not all meals go according to plan for Brown, however. When attempting to cook a pizza on a tray, the blistering heat simply liquefied the creation. The 20-year-old's TikTok videos have helped give his account millions of followers.

Joe Brown cooks hamburgers on the dashboard of his car in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix has experienced very warm temperatures over the last week with high temperatures above 105 degrees for four consecutive days starting on June 6. Temperatures reached as high as 110 degrees on June 8 with even warmer weather expected through the weekend.

AccuWeather forecast temperatures could even reach 114 degrees on Saturday and Sunday, which would give plenty of heat to help Brown make more car meal creations.


During warm weather, cars can heat up very quickly, even rising by 20 degrees in just 10 minutes. While seeing meals cooked from the inside of a car is amusing, it is still important to understand the risks that come with the quick heating that can occur inside a car in direct sunlight.

"As scorching heat expands across the United States during the summer months, it is important to remember to never leave children or pets in a vehicle unattended," AccuWeather Meteorologist Brandon Buckingham said.

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