'The Mandalorian' Professes Its Love for Baby Yoda

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

From Popular Mechanics

The main character in The Mandalorian, is not, in fact, the Mandalorian as its title would suggest. Yes, Pedro Pascal's helmet-clad "Mando" get the most screen time, but it turns out the show's titular character is really just second fiddle to baby Yoda.

The internet has fallen in love with the pint-sized, big-eared alien (though don't let looks fool you, this little guy is 50 years old). But there was one person who hadn't quite opened his heart to the cult of baby Yoda, and that's the Mandalorian himself.

This week, things have change.

⚠️There will absolutely be spoilers below, so don't continue if you haven't seen the show yet.

No More Baby Yoda?

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

The last we left the Mandalorian, he was on his way to return his cute lil bounty that ended up saving his life while fighting a Mud Horn (not a Space Rhino as I suggested). With some reluctance and lots of inner turmoil, the Mandalorian does hand over baby Yoda to the imperials and I feel the swell of anger infecting the internet entire.

The Mandalorian asks after his "package" once its delivered, and The Client (played by Werner Herzog who also loves baby Yoda) reminds the Mando that it's against the the Guild Code to inquire about a bounty once delivered. Once again, Herzog completely delivers one of the best scenes of the episode. He fits the Imperial-in-Hiding role incredibly well as his costume and demeanor indicate that he used to be a man of means during the time of the Galactic Empire, but the rise of the New Republic has forced him into hiding. But this is all mostly conjecture as the audience still doesn't know much about The Client, his past, or his current motivations.

From there, The Mandalorian continues fleshing out two, formerly unknown corners of the Star Wars universe: the culture of the Mandalorians (especially post-Empire) and the inner workings of the bounty hunter's guild. This show is at its best when it's diving into the minutiae and proving to the naysayers that there's much more to the Star Wars universe than just the Skywalkers.

Taking his beskar reward to his Mandalorian buddies, Mando crafts an exquisite chestplate, which felt like the cinematic equivalent of an epic drop item in some sort of massively multiplayer online game. The Mandalorian has officially leveled up.

The show also spent some more time with the Mandalorian clan (compared to the first episode), and we learn about how the Empire nearly wiped them out, that they must always wear their helmets, that the "foundlings" are apparently the future, and that the social order of the Mandalorians is much more rigid and secretive than we thought (as exemplified by their constant chant "this is the way.")

Once the Mandalorian is officially decked out in new armor, the rest of the episode plays out more or less like you'd expect from a "Bounty Hunter with a heart of gold" subplot. Our anti-hero is almost ready to set off for his next bounty in another corner of the galaxy, but his growing torment over leaving baby Yoda gets the best of him.

Then things get dialed up to 11 as the Mandalorian infiltrates the Imperial hideout, takes down the entire(?) bounty hunting guild for breaking its code, and eventually, with baby Yoda in hand, the Mandalorian blasts off for parts unknown.

A Slow Burn, an Exciting Turn

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney

Until now, The Mandalorian has been a relatively slow-paced yarn, one with few words and action sequences that are decidedly small scale (like that Jawa chase scene). But this episode delivers something different. At almost the exact midway point, the episode turns into one of the best shot action sequences that lasts nearly the rest of the episode.

With spewing smoke and dark lighting, the action almost feels reminiscent of a horror film like Alien, which subconsciously underscores the predatory lethality of our main character.

However, these first three episodes have felt almost like an extended preamble to some greater adventure—one that's finally beginning. As the show reaches its halfway point next week, it feels like there's almost too much to explore in the five episodes we have left.

I'd by lying if that doesn't have me concerned. I'm hoping the show can keep its slow, deliberate pace while still delivering a story that has lasting implications for the Star Wars universe. But from what we've seen from the first three episodes, I don't think my hope will be misplaced.

A Few Stray Thoughts:

  • I'm more and more fascinated by the Mandalorian culture. It's much more secretive and complex than I imagined.

  • Here's a wild theory: The Client says during the episode that he wants to "extract the material" from baby Yoda. Could he mean...midi-chlorians? These are the microscopic beings that help individuals manipulate the Force.

  • Following up on that theory: Could this be a part of a larger plot to resurrect/heal Emperor Palpatine? We've seen in The Rise of Skywalker that Star Wars' most infamous baddie makes a comeback. Could we be seeing the origin story of that plot in The Mandalorian? The timing would work out well with The Rise of Skywalker's release date in late December.

  • I'm eagerly awaiting the official name of this our tiny green friend, so I can stop calling him baby Yoda.

  • Seeing a legion of jetpack Mandalorian's would've sent my 10-year-old self into a fandom-induced hyperventilation. That's just cool no matter what age you are.

  • Also, totally get why Mandalorians were/are so scary to the universe at large now—they are some heavily armed individuals.

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