Manitowoc letter-writer says superintendent showed 'ideological agenda' with free meals decisions

Superintendent James Feil speaks at Manitowoc Lincoln graduation, Friday, June 9, 2023, in Manitowoc, Wis.
Superintendent James Feil speaks at Manitowoc Lincoln graduation, Friday, June 9, 2023, in Manitowoc, Wis.

Here is this week’s letter to the editor of the Herald Times Reporter. See our letters policy below for details about how to share your views.

Editor's note: Manitowoc Public School District announced Nov. 1 it has rejoined the Community Eligibility Program for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year, meaning free breakfasts and lunches will be available for all students starting Nov. 6.

Last week's letters to the editor: Manitowoc letter-writers share views on free meals in schools

Superintendent's decisions on free meals 'reek of an ideological agenda'

I applaud the about-face on Manitowoc Public School District’s participation in the CEP food program. Still, it’s obvious that Superintendent James Feil’s grenade-throwing tactics were solely the responsibility of the superintendent.

Feil is not a malicious person at heart, but this episode has exposed his personal opinions that reek of an ideological agenda. Ideas that have no business emanating from the superintendent’s office.

His list of 26 reasons began with “Using taxpayer dollars beyond justifiable need is taxation without representation.” Saying participation in CEP somehow rose to the level of tyranny is simply bizarre.

And his solution to what he saw as a “government mistake”? It was to act on his own authority, choosing to dictate policy rather than trying to gain consensus among board members or the community at large.

Besides referencing “taxes” and the federal budget throughout, he implies (without proof) that Manitowoc’s participation in the CEP program somehow promoted theft or misuse of taxpayer money through participation; he implied that parents are basically stealing from the taxpayers by taking food that they are not - or should not be - entitled to.

He also implied that parents are failing in their personal responsibilities. Feil writes, “Who is responsible for caring for and raising children?” and “There may also be questionable ideological objectives involved.” What do these comments even mean? They are the tired old tropes used by politicians regarding “taxation” and “personal responsibility.”

Ideologues like James Feil should not be in a supervisory position.

James Mullins


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Letters to the editor are published in the order in which they are received and letter-writers are limited to having one letter published per month. Letters can be emailed to and Editor Brandon Reid at Letters must meet specific guidelines, including being no more than 250 words and be from local authors or on topics of local interest. All submissions must include the name of the person who wrote the letter, their city of residence and a contact phone number. Letters are edited as needed for style, grammar, length, fairness, accuracy and libel.

This article originally appeared on Manitowoc Herald Times Reporter: Manitowoc letter: Superintendent showed ideology in free meals debate