Many Churches, One Lord: Enduring the waves of life

Robert King, Cambridge Branch President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Robert King, Cambridge Branch President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

During a recent family vacation near the ocean, I engaged in one of my favorite activities – searching for sharks teeth on the beach. While standing in the water, I noticed some shells rolling around in the waves. The incoming waves would send them rolling towards the sand.

Before getting a chance to settle, the receding water would then sweep them back out to sea. Waves would come from the north one moment and then shift from the south the next. The shells were kept in a constant state of motion while getting beaten from all sides by the waves. They never seemed to get a break. Life is like that. We can sometimes get hammered from all sides wishing for relief.

We face numerous obstacles, including home, car, family, job, and physical problems. One thing is certain. They are not going to stop anytime soon. But we have powers from God to help us overcome every single thing that we are facing here on Earth, so long as we call upon them.

Paul reminds us in his message to the Ephesians, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Joy, peace, faith, and hope are spiritual blessings if Christ lives in us. They are indestructible through Him. Because He is always with us, our spiritual blessings are secure.

Looking back on my life, I can see the ups and downs, and how a loving Heavenly Father has weaved those ups and downs together to tell a story. We are blessed during the good times and the bad. We may not see that at the time, but the Heavenly Father does. During the bad times is when He is in control, and we are in His hands.

Just as the shells were saved from the constant turmoil by my hand lifting them to safety, so too may our lives be uplifted by the Savior’s hand. Let us be like Paul when he said to Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.”

Robert King is the Cambridge Branch president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This article originally appeared on The Daily Jeffersonian: Enduring the waves of life