Many Republicans don't want Trump to be the 2024 GOP nominee. But Democrats sure do.

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I feel a little bad for President Joe Biden. He announced his reelection campaign Tuesday, yet 70% of Americans (and more than half of Democrats) want someone else in Biden’s shoes.

Biden’s approval rating remains mired in the low 40s, and let’s face it: Many Democrats think he’s too old. He’ll turn 82 shortly after the 2024 election – and would be 86 years old before completing a second term.

These realities, however, aren’t deterring Biden from his pursuit of another four years in the White House.

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So Democrats are going on the defensive. They want Biden to face the weakest possible contender, and that’s why some Democratic strategists are putting their money on former President Donald Trump as the Republican nominee next year.

You can bet the party will do everything in its power to make sure that’s the case.

Democrats are adept at dirty tactics

Look no further than the primaries last year. The Democratic Party spent millions in targeted races around the country, essentially backing the most extreme GOP candidate – all to ensure an easier path to winning the general election.

In doing so, Democrats made the risky bet that backing fanatic MAGA election deniers would reap them victories come November. In some cases, it worked.

President Joe Biden speaks about his economic agenda in Accokeek, Md., on April 19, 2023.
President Joe Biden speaks about his economic agenda in Accokeek, Md., on April 19, 2023.

Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer was a principled conservative voice in Congress (one of only 10 House Republicans to vote to impeach Trump after the U.S. Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021), but Meijer lost his reelection in the primary, thanks to dirty Democratic tricks.

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Given what happened to him, Meijer understands how this political game works. When it comes to Democrats rallying for Trump, he recently observed on Twitter: “If the Democratic incumbent is popping a bottle of champagne when they realize who their Republican opponent is going to be, we probably didn’t make the right choice.”

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Trump still enjoys a base of ardent support among GOP primary voters. Yet Democrats are betting Trump would face a much tougher electorate in the general election – especially given Trump’s rocky last few years, marred by the Jan. 6 riot, multiple criminal investigations and an indictment.

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A poll last week from The Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that 44% of Republicans don’t want Trump to run for election. Among all party affiliations, that number jumps to 70%.

So Trump and Biden are heading into a possible rematch with similar numbers of Americans who wish they’d just go away.

The left, like Trump, fears DeSantis

That’s why Democrats and their supporters are concerned about the likely candidacy of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. He hasn’t even announced he’s running yet, but the Republican has caught the left's attention big time.

Former President Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York on April 4, 2023.
Former President Donald Trump leaves Trump Tower in New York on April 4, 2023.

In fact, DeSantis seems to have become the new target of “derangement syndrome," with liberals obsessed over his every move and decision – much like they did throughout the Trump years.

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The reason? Democrats fear a face-off between DeSantis and Biden, so they are trying to torpedo him early.

While DeSantis trails Trump by double digits in national matchups, he has more than 30% of GOP support (remember, he hasn’t officially gotten in the race) – far more than other declared or likely Republican contenders.

And recent polling in the battleground states of Arizona and Pennsylvania shows Biden leading Trump. But DeSantis bests Biden in those hypothetical matchups.

USA TODAY columnist Ingrid Jacques
USA TODAY columnist Ingrid Jacques

Of course, as Trump proved in 2016 when Democrats also saw him as the weakest competitor, the now former president shouldn’t be underestimated. A lot has happened, though, in the past seven years.

The fact that Democratic insiders are wishing for Trump should serve as a wake-up call to Republicans: If beating Biden is the goal, then Trump’s not their guy.

Ingrid Jacques is a columnist at USA TODAY. Contact her at or on Twitter: @Ingrid_Jacques

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Biden, Trump running for reelection again? America needs someone new