Mapping out Placeholder’s portfolio

Placeholder is a venture capital firm focused on investing in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. The firm was founded in 2017 by Chris Burniske and Joel Monegro, two of the earliest investment analysts in the space.The post Mapping out Placeholder's portfolio appeared first on The Block.·The Block

Placeholder is a venture capital firm focused on investing in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. The firm was founded in 2017 by Chris Burniske and Joel Monegro, two of the earliest investment analysts in the space.

Unlike the traditional hedge fund structure of other investment firms in crypto, Placeholder specifically designed its firm with a venture capital structure so it can make long-term investments over 10 years in startups.

According to its thesis, this structure allows Placeholder “to make long-term commitments and injects both use-case and time diversity into the portfolio” and to “invest proactively and evolve our thesis with the market as the opportunity develops, versus the inherently reactive style of continuously rebalancing a fully-invested portfolio to keep up with the many abrupt changes in the industry.”

One of Placeholder’s key strategies is to make a small number of investments of a four-year period and then build close-working, value-added relationships with the entrepreneurs and developers that it has invested in.

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