Mardi Gras party at Outworld Brewing and other Longmont events for today

Feb. 21—Today

Mardi Gras at Outworld Brewing: Celebrate Madri Gras with Outworld Brewing's second annual party featuring the music of Brothers of Brass and Badda Boom Brass Band; 3 p.m. Tuesday, Outworld Brewing, 1725 Vista View Drive, Suite B, Longmont; $5-$15;

Songwriters workshop: The third Tuesday of each month, songwriters, players, lyricists and music-lovers of all ages, levels, interests and tastes, can bring their lyrics, songs and instruments to explore the art and craft of songwriting with fellow songwriters. Share originals for feedback and constructive comments; 6 p.m. Tuesday, Firehouse Art Center, 667 Fourth Ave., Longmont;

Exploring Hobbies: Hang out in the Youth Center Zone with other students, and play games, find sports activities, explore hobbies and snack; 3 p.m. Tuesday, Youth Center, 1050 Lashley St., Longmont;


Jubilee membership celebration gala: Join the Longmont Area Chamber of Commerce to look back on 2022 and everything the community accomplished. This event will include hors d'oeuvres and two drink tickets with registration and an awards ceremony; 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, The Longmont Museum, 400 Quail Road, Longmont; $100;

Andy Eppler at Rosalee's Pizza: Andy Eppler is a songwriter, music producer, painter, author, liquid light artist, poet, public speaker, film director, actor and overall experimental creative who loves to mix beauty and strangeness to send his artistic messages. Listen to his musical stylings while dancing the night away; 6 p.m. Wednesday, Rosalee's Pizzeria, 461 Main St., Longmont; free;

Fondue date night at The Kuper: Spend Wednesday nights out for date night, and enjoy a cheese fondue platter with a pre-selected bottle of wine; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 600 Longs Peak Ave., Unit H, Longmont; $75;