Marie Kondo Decluttered Your Home, Now She Wants to Sell You Stuff

Photo credit: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin - Getty Images
Photo credit: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin - Getty Images

From House Beautiful

Marie Kondo, the queen of tidiers, taught you how to dig deep when getting rid of your stuff. Does that t-shirt from a middle school class trip truly bring you joy? If not, hello, what are you still doing with it? And do you really need all seven of those basic white tees? Come on. Now, Kondo wants to sell you stuff that brings her joy and will hopefully bring you some, too.

With more than 100 products available on her online shop, the star of the Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo offers everything from aromatherapy and books to kitchenware and organizing tools.

On the expensive side, you can snag a brass kitchen utensil holder that also doubles as a vase for a solid $275. There’s a large cheese knife you can get for $180. Other pricier items include an oil diffuser for $119 and a linen kimono robe for $115.

If buying products at a high price don’t bring you very much joy, cheaper items include a Shiatsu stick for $12—which is already out of stock, so get on that email list to be notified when it’s back. Different types of chopsticks are available for $10 a pair, and you can also get a glass teapot for $25.

Marie Kondo selling you all of these things seems to be the exact opposite of what she preaches, but let’s be clear: She doesn’t want you to buy up all of her products.

"What's most important to me is that you surround yourself with items that spark joy,” she told the Wall Street Journal. “If the bowl that you're using currently sparks joy for you, I don't encourage replacing it at all.”

So if you were thinking about re-cluttering your home with everything on her site, think again. She likely would not approve, but definitely check out her collection.

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