Marion Co. Family Court plans volunteer advocate information session

Marion County residents interested in learning more about how to become volunteer advocates for youth in the juvenile court system are invited to attend an information session on Feb. 28 in downtown Marion.

The Marion County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program and Marion County Family Court are teaming up with The Remnant Tea & Coffee to host the session from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Feb. 28 at The Remnant, 123 W. Church St. in downtown Marion.

According to a press release issued by the Marion County Family Court, CASA staff, volunteers, and court administrators will be available to chat with people who attend the meeting. They will be there to talk about the volunteer application process, the volunteer role, the value of CASAs to the child and court, and answer any questions.

“Being a CASA volunteer is a unique opportunity to make a difference in a child’s life on a very personal level. The CASA visits the child regularly and gets to know both the foster family and the biological family.” said CASA Program Administrator Jennifer Keller. 

Volunteers conduct a thorough, independent investigation into a child’s background and home life, in order to make a report and recommend the best course of action for the child.

“A volunteer’s investigation includes reviewing records and talking to caregivers, family members, caseworkers, teachers, counselors, and others with information about the children and the family,” said Keller.

According to the court's press release, each year about 175 Marion County children find themselves in the court system because of abuse, neglect, or dependency. Being separated from their families, sent to a new home, a new school, a new everything can be confusing and chaotic for children. Add to that, court dates, social worker visits, limited contact with parents and extended family, and sometimes being moved multiple times; and the experience can be deeply stressful with short and long-term harmful consequences.

The press release further stated that knowing that a CASA volunteer is a constant in the child’s life and a consistent champion for the child’s best interests throughout the case, judicial officers and court administrators felt strongly and worked hard to develop a CASA program in Marion County. Despite several setbacks, not the least of which was Marion County and the world being hit with COVID-19, Marion County Family Court did not give up. Since the program was re-launched, six volunteers have been sworn in and served 13 children.

Marion County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program volunteer Nicole T. Brown, right, displays the certificate she received for completing the training program after being sworn in Family Court Judge Larry N. Heiser. For information about Marion County CASA, go to its website
Marion County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program volunteer Nicole T. Brown, right, displays the certificate she received for completing the training program after being sworn in Family Court Judge Larry N. Heiser. For information about Marion County CASA, go to its website

Mark Johnson, a graduate of the August 2022 class of CASA volunteer advocates, said working with the program is rewarding.

"It allows one to have a positive impact on children's lives while helping them navigate through a difficult situation. My hope is they are able to move forward and break any cycle of dysfunction,” Johnson said.

According to James Landon, administrative director for the Marion County Family Court, the program needs more volunteers to match with children.

“CASA Volunteers are able to concentrate their efforts on just one child or family at a time, which enables them to gather information from many sources and spend more time with the families. This helps judicial officers make more informed decisions in cases before the court,” Landon stated.

“Having an extra set of eyes on these important cases helps to ensure that children are in safe and healthy environments and that their bests interests are taken into account. Having a lay person’s perspective, along with the attorney guardian ad litem, also adds value to the court process,” Judge Larry Heiser added.

In order to become a CASA volunteer, individuals must be at least 21 years old, complete the application (available online at, pass background checks, and complete the free pre-service training offered by the CASA Program.

A CASA volunteer is assigned to a case when the court appoints the volunteer to a child or sibling group.  Volunteers do have a say in case assignments and are appointed to only one or two cases at a time.  The time commitment is about 8 to 10 hours per month.

Those unable to attend the CASA information session at the Remnant can contact Jennifer Keller at 740-223-4065 or visit Follow Marion County CASA on Facebook for more information about CASA.

Email: | Twitter: @AndrewACCarter

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: Marion Co. Family Court plans special advocate information session