Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty should support Build Back Better budget on principle | Opinion

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As Tennessee pastors we implore Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty to vote to pass the Build Back Better Act, as it reflects many of our core Christian values.

The policies put forth in the Build Back Better plan declare that every one of us is created in the image of God and has immeasurable worth, and provides us all the freedom to thrive.

One of the main components in this package is an investment in universal Pre-K and community college.

As faith leaders, we believe that no matter where they live or the color of their skin, all children deserve a high quality education that allows them the freedom to build a strong future.

We know that Jesus prioritizes and cherishes children, as he said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

But unfortunately, the United States, and specifically Tennessee, lags behind other countries in funding and providing quality education.

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Invest in children and their parents

A "Build Back Better" sign sits in a pre-K classroom as President Joe Biden talks to students during a visit to East End Elementary School in North Plainfield on Monday to promote his "Build Back Better" agenda.
A "Build Back Better" sign sits in a pre-K classroom as President Joe Biden talks to students during a visit to East End Elementary School in North Plainfield on Monday to promote his "Build Back Better" agenda.

If we want America’s children to thrive, we owe it to them to provide them with the best education possible.

Investing in community college and universal preschool is a not only an investment in our children and the future of our country, but data indicate that for every dollar we spend in early childhood education as a society we will see $7.30 in benefits , including a greater chance that students graduate from high school and college, earn higher w ages wages, have better health, and less of a likelihood of becoming involved in crime.

In order to build strong families we cannot merely invest in education for our children; we must invest in the well-being of their parents and families as well.

The Build Back Better Plan extends the current and expanded child tax credit that cuts child poverty nearly in half across the country, and provides family and medical leave to give all workers the freedom to take time to bond with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one, find safety from assault or violence, heal from illness, or take time to grieve the death of a loved one.

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U.S. policies push people into poverty

Currently, the United States is one of the few countries that does not have paid family leave as part of a national policy.

One in four employed women return to work within two weeks of giving birth, and 95% of women in low income jobs do not have paid maternity leave as part of their job .

This data is an indictment of our lack of family values. If women cannot spend appropriate time to bond with and care for their babies but must return to work too soon to pay the bills, we are not setting up our families to thrive, and are pushing both women and children into poverty across the country. Currently, only 19% of Americans have paid family leave through their employers, yet over 71% of voters support a paid medical/family leave.

It’s time our senators support legislation that the people support over the lobbyists that fund their campaigns. Jesus teaches us to advocate for the vulnerable and the forgotten - to bring good news to the poor - not just with words, but with action.

The resources exist for us to make these investments. It’s now a question of having the moral courage to make this a reality for Tennesseans, and indeed, all Americans.

By improving public health, protecting God's creation, and prioritizing those who are economically disadvantaged, this plan will help create an equitable economy that improves the lives and well-being of us all.

And we urge you, Senators Blackburn and Hagerty, to not only support it, but to champion it.


  1. Rev. Dr. C. Don Jones, Pastor, The United Methodist Church

  2. The Rev. Dr. Jo Ann Barker, Episcopal Priest

  3. The Rev Gordon H. Myers, Retired Clergy, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

  4. Rev. Dr. Donna Krupkin Whitney, Pastoral Assistant, Metropolitan Interdenominational Church

  5. Rev. Dr. James A. Dougherty, Retired Clergy, The United Methodist Church

  6. The Rev. Christopher A. Smith, Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church (ELCA), Nashville

  7. Rev. Brandon L. Gilvin, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Chattanooga

  8. Rev. Dr. Lillian H. Lammers, Associate Pastor, First Congregational Church of Memphis

  9. Rev. Elizabeth H. Doolin, Pastor, Presbyterian Church (USA)

  10. Rev. Brandon Berg, Pastor, First United Methodist Church, Bristol

  11. Rev. Ingrid McIntyre, Pastor, Glencliff UMC and Belmont UMC, Nashville

  12. Rev. R. Calvin Kimbrough Jr

  13. Rev. Nelia J Kimbrough Rev John M. Feldhacker, Edgehill United Methodist Church, Nashville

  14. Rev. Dr. Kevin Riggs, Franklin Community Church Rev. Paul Purdue, Sr. Pastor at Belmont United Methodist Church

  15. Rev. Dawn Bennett, Pastor Developer, The Table, Nashville

  16. Rev. Matt Steinhauer, Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lebanon

  17. Rev. William M.Vaughan III, retired clergy, United Methodist Church

  18. Joe T.Porter, retired priest, Episcopal Church, Diocese of West Tennessee

  19. Pastor Morgan Gordy, ELCA Southeastern Synod

  20. Rev. David E. McIntyre, Retired UMC Clergy

  21. Rev. Valerie Ohle, United Methodist Church

  22. Rev. Barbara Clark, Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Gatlinburg, TN

  23. Rev. Stacey Harwell-Dye, Pastor of Missions and Outreach West End UMC

  24. Rev. Kate Fields, Pastor, Belmont United Methodist Church, Nashville

  25. Rev. James Cole, Pastor, Antioch United Methodist Church

  26. Rev. Laura Becker, Pastor, Northminster Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga

  27. Rev. Dr. George E. Odle, Retired United Methodist Clergy

  28. Rev. Ann Owens Brunger, Presbytery of East Tennessee, PCUSA

  29. Rev. Brandon Baxter, Pastor of Spiritual Formation, West End UMC

  30. Rev. Elizabeth Carpenter Episcopal Deacon

  31. Rev. Regina Girten, Pastor of Outreach at Providence United Methodist Church Mt. Juliet, TN

  32. Rev. David Goodpaster, Episcopal Priest w/ Southeastern Tennessee Episcopal Missions

  33. Rev. Darren Wright, Pastor of Youth and Young Adults, Belmont United Methodist Church

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Tennessee's Blackburn, Hagerty should support Build Back Better budget