Martha Stewart Has A Hidden Talent: Balancing FULL Wine Glasses On Top Of Each Other

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

From House Beautiful

There are few things in the culinary-slash-hosting world that Martha Stewart can’t do, and there’s now one more talent to add to her list: She can balance wine glasses like a pro.

Martha showed off her hidden talent while she was out to dinner with some friends and shared the evidence on Instagram. “Table games -Dinner served -Conversation lively -Martha gets adventuresome,” she wrote. “One of my favorite balancing acts stacking wine glasses!” Martha also tagged the Food Network & Cooking Channel South Beach Wine & Food Festival, which is happening right now in Florida, and apparently is where people turn into total daredevils with drinkware.

There are a few things to point out here. One, Martha stacked up four wine glasses like it was nothing. Two, those glasses aren’t exactly empty, making this a pretty high-stakes game. Three, she’s relying heavily on her fellow diners to not bump the table or even breathe wrong. Still, it’s pretty awesome.

She quickly followed it up with an even better view for any disbelievers in the crowd:

People were all kinds of impressed in the comments, and same. “Legend,” one person said. “I love you Martha! You’re awesomeeee 🦋,” someone else wrote.

Others were a little nervous for Martha—and the other people in the restaurant. “So what happens when they fall?” one person wrote. “They don’t. Martha is super natural,” another chimed in. “As a server this would make me sweat,” someone else wrote. “that’s what I thought... I hope she tips well 😬,” another responded.

Martha’s comment about this being one of her favorite “acts” implies that this is hardly the first time she’s done this before. Only Martha.

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