What should the mascots be for Pasco’s 2 new high schools? Tell us your ideas

A rendering shows what Pasco School District’s third comprehensive high school might look like. Work is proceeding at 6091 Burns Road, where gym walls are now going up.

Would the Hunters be the obvious best mascot for Pasco’s new Orion High School? Or how about the Corn Huskers for the district’s Harvest View High School?

The Pasco School Board just chose the names for its two new high schools and now it will focus on picking the schools colors and mascots.

The board voted Tuesday 3 to 2 to name its third comprehensive high school Harvest View High and unanimously to name its career and college academy Orion High School.

Both schools are expected to open in Fall 2025.

Board President Amy Phillips said, “We have names for the high schools and we can move on to getting mascots and colors. This is a really big step.”

So, now we want to hear from you.

Tell us what you think those mascots and school colors should be. We will let you know the top answers next week. You have through Wednesday, Nov. 1, to chime in with your best ideas.