Masks No Longer Required, Still Recommended In Orange County

ORANGE COUNTY, CA —On Thursday, Orange County officials plan to make mask wearing a "strong recommendation" rather than a requirement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interim public health officer and Orange County Health Care Agency Director Dr. Clayton Chau, was expected Thursday to issue a new order regarding facial coverings, starting Friday.

While specifics are still unfolding, the wearing masks outside when social distancing is possible, will no longer be mandatory.

Mask wearing inside stores, while shopping, and for essential workers, will still be recommended. Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett stated that Chau would release his statement Thursday altering the work that Dr. Quick put in.

This new order occurs just days after Dr. Nichole Quick resigned after receiving threats and protests for the mandatory county mask order last month. The Orange County supervisor were not united with Quick in her order, with Chairwoman Michelle Steel and Supervisor Don Wagner openly opposed to the doctor's medical opinion.

The Orange County Health Care Agency has been ripe with turnover and new employees amid the coronavirus pandemic. Chau, who also has a doctorate in clinical psychology, was appointed head of the Health Care Agency in April to succeed Richard Sanchez, who took over as head of CalOptima, the county's insurance program for low-income residents. was appointed interim public health officer on Tuesday. The Health Care Agency has also openly sought a new epidemiologist to support communicable disease surveillance, investigation and reporting.

Supervisor Bartlett says she hopes that the county's mask ordinance, adopted in April, to remain in place for grocery stores and other retail businesses.

"I want to keep that in effect not only to protect the public but the workers," Bartlett said. "There are certain businesses where you can't do the six feet of social distancing."

Bartlett said the mask order will help boost confidence of diners and shoppers.

"I think the public at-large would feel more comfortable knowing that businesses are taking those extra precautions when they can't socially distance," Bartlett said.

On Tuesday Chau defended Quick's mask order, issued last month as county officials received permission from the state to reopen some businesses, including dining in restaurants.

According to Dr. Quick, she issued the mask mandate, which is required whenever a resident cannot maintain six feet of social distancing, due to fears of an outbreak of cases as more people congregated amid a relaxation of stay-at-home orders.

All eyes are on the coronavirus counts after two weeks of protests across Orange County, California and the country.

This report will be updated.

City News Service, Patch Editor Ashley Ludwig contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on the Orange County Patch