Masonic volunteers distribute fruit baskets to the elderly for the holiday season

Members of the Masonic Volunteer Program (left to right) David Miser, Ronald Wyscarver, Gary Edwards, Denny Ballog, Greg Starcher, J.T. Morgan, Rich Kidd, John Lovejoy, 23rd District chairman, DeAnna Kinney, Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator, Wesley Moore, Rich Bradley, Jack Kibble, Eileen Morgan, Viola Moore.
Members of the Masonic Volunteer Program (left to right) David Miser, Ronald Wyscarver, Gary Edwards, Denny Ballog, Greg Starcher, J.T. Morgan, Rich Kidd, John Lovejoy, 23rd District chairman, DeAnna Kinney, Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator, Wesley Moore, Rich Bradley, Jack Kibble, Eileen Morgan, Viola Moore.

Members of the Masonic Volunteer Program from four Masonic Lodges, Flushing #298 in Flushing, Friendship #89 in Barnesville, Point Pleasant #360 in Pleasant City and Harrison #219 in Cadiz distributed fruit baskets to widows and senior Lodge members. The Masonic Volunteer Program is part of the community outreach of the Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center and coordinated by DeAnna Kinney by partnering with local Masonic Lodges and Eastern Star Chapters.

This year, 96 fruit baskets were packed and distributed. The volunteers can attest to the satisfaction they feel by assembling and delivering the baskets. Many recipients expressed their gratitude for the gesture and welcomed a visit during the holiday season. It was even more meaningful this year, as so many have been forced to stay home and limit contact with others for a third year, due to COVID-19 and the flu.

An important tenet of Freemasonry is that widows and orphans are to be cared for. These Masons use the holidays not only to give a gift to these widows, Eastern Star members, and senior Masons but more importantly to reassure them that they are not forgotten and are still cared for.

The baskets contained fruit, candy, and other goodies. The project is funded by donations from individuals, lodges and fundraisers. The Scio Sportsman's Club also provides support every year.

For more information can contact John Lovejoy at (740) 491-1008.

Submitted by John Lovejoy

This article originally appeared on The Daily Jeffersonian: Masons provide fruit baskets to widows and senior lodge members