Massage and Yoga Business Has Served Alexandria Since 2003

ALEXANDRIA, VA — For nearly 20 years, Erica Petrilli Massage Therapy and Yoga has served Alexandria clients looking to alleviate pain.

Petrilli is a massage therapist and yoga instructor who has a passion for helping clients and working in Alexandria. The COVID-19 pandemic was a challenge for the small business, as social distancing meant Petrilli couldn't work with clients for about 18 months. Now she's excited to be back to providing individualized services to her clients.

Patch is featuring small businesses like Erica Petrilli Massage Therapy and Yoga for a business spotlight series. If you'd like your business to be featured, fill out our Q&A form. Feel free to pass the form along to any businesses that should be spotlighted in our community.

Here is more information on Erica Petrilli Massage Therapy and Yoga:

Business name

Erica Petrilli Massage Therapy and Yoga


312 Montgomery St. #206 Alexandria, VA 22314

Website/social media Instagram: @epmassageandyoga Facebook Erica Petrilli, Massage and Yoga


Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

When and how did the business get started?

I have been in business in the City of Alexandria since June 2003. Since I lived in town at the time I couldn’t imagine working anywhere else. Now I live just south of Old Town in Fairfax County but I love my clients and Old Town, I’d never leave!

What does your business offer?

I offer massage therapy and private yoga sessions to clients who want to lead a pain-free lifestyle. Whether they need a deep tissue massage or prenatal one, I base my rates on time rather than massage type so they can choose what they need most. I have found that massage and yoga often complement each other by reducing stress, allowing deeper sleep, and increasing flexibility. For that reason, I offer private yoga sessions to clients that want to celebrate and build upon their strides in movement. I genuinely care for all my clients, and I invite everyone no matter age, gender, shape or size to experience a more holistic approach to preventative care.

What's your most popular product or service?

My one hour massage is very popular.

What's your favorite thing about the community your business is located in?

The people of course! I have been incredibly lucky to have clients who I look forward to seeing weekly, bi weekly or monthly. The local restaurants and the short walk to the waterfront are pretty fantastic too!

What kind of impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on business?

Since I couldn’t be within 3-6 feet of a client about 18 months I couldn’t work, pretty devastating for a small business. I missed seeing clients but I am happy to be back to work helping people and supporting them on their journey.

Massage and Yoga Business Has Served Alexandria Since 2003 originally appeared on the Old Town Alexandria Patch