Master Gardener: Beware of skunks seeking amore

February not only brings more cold temperatures and Valentines Day, it also puts romance in the air − for skunks.

That’s right, February marks the start of the skunk breeding season. If you thought they were sleeping the winter away, skunks do not officially hibernate. They do become “slow” or dormant for about a month during the coldest part of the winter right before breeding season.

Skunks are typically nocturnal, but just like deer, daytime activity increases significantly during breeding season, and we should expect to see them on the prowl at any time over the next month to six weeks.  And we can expect to see them anywhere − in your yard, behind your barn, on your porch and even under your tires as you go down the road.

Skunks will be out and about in February

Just like deer in November, you likely will notice more roadkill skunk this month than other critters, and see them in plenty of not so normal places. If you have skunks inhabiting your barn or other structure and you want to alleviate the problem, now is the time to do so before they have their young.

With a gestation period of seven to 10 weeks, adults have their young during the first part of May, and yearlings during the first part of June. Typically, they only have one litter a year, with between four to six kittens, or “kits” for short. Since they stay with their mothers until fall you will obviously want to eliminate your skunk problem before the kittens are born.

According to the Ohio Department of natural Resources website, skunks seldom cause damage to property other than raiding garbage or eating pet food. They sometimes reside under buildings or in rock and wood piles.

A few tips for handling skunks include:

  • In confined spaces skunks or opossums may be driven away by placing an ammonia-soaked towel in the den.

  • Install a one-way door until you are sure the animal(s) have left, then permanently seal the entrance.

  • An animal that becomes trapped in a window well will climb out if you place a rough board in the well that extends to the top.

  • Don't chase or excite a skunk, you know what that leads to.

Allen Gahler
Allen Gahler

Gardeners may be interested in upcoming event

Toledo Grows will have their Seed Swap on Feb. 24 at Scott High School located at 2400 Collingwood Ave., Toledo from noon-3 p.m. Admission is free. You will receive five tickets for seed packets. You can buy additional packets for 50 cents each or bring your own seeds to swap. They must be dated 2023, packaged, labeled. No bulk seeds. There are children’s activities, gardening displays, and plenty of plant knowledge.

Allen Gahler is an Ohio State University OSU Extension Educator

This article originally appeared on Fremont News-Messenger: Master Gardener: February is for Valentines Day, and skunk love, too