Maybe the voice in your head is on your phone

"Visual Meditation"
"Visual Meditation"

Editor's note: This article was updated Jan. 9 to reflect a correction to the title held by Kevin Campbell, and a correction to name of the surgeon mentioned in this article. Should you have any questions, please email News Director Jessica Onsurez at

Text messages and alerts drive us crazy by bombarding our phones during the elections, reminding us of doctors’ appointments, etc. Then there is the dreaded chatbot (a software application used to conduct an online conversation via text) we’ve almost all experienced when interacting with customer service. Frustrating and invasive, to say the least.

But recently I was introduced to a health chatbot messaging system from an orthopedic surgeon, and I was thoroughly impressed with the level of information and how well the simple step-by-step patient coaching before and after surgery was presented. What I liked most were the yoga practices of breathwork and meditation that were integrated into some of the text messages. East meeting West.

Ashton Graham
Ashton Graham

A few months ago, my brother fell while chasing a recycling bin in his driveway. He broke his femur and found himself in emergency surgery. His recovery after the surgery did not go well and an orthopedic surgeon suggested a hip replacement. During my brother’s recovery, his wife signed up for the automated text messages.

According to a study published in the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, patients who received timely text messages after joint replacement surgery showed significant improvements more quickly than those who did not get alerts. Those who got text alerts had fewer days on opioid pain medications, spent more time on home exercises, had a faster return of mobility and had higher satisfaction scores.

“A chatbot that texts timely, informative and encouraging messages to patients can improve clinical outcomes and increase patient engagement in the early postoperative period after total joint replacement,” said study leader Kevin J. Campbell, M.D., with the Orthopedic and Sports Institute in Appleton, Wisconsin.

For instance, this was one of the first texts my sister-in-law shared with me, and it included a Taoist quote. “Good morning. We know you are feeling more rested today. As you begin to move around more, be sure to take your time and use the techniques the therapist taught you. Take it one day at a time. As Lao Tzu wrote, ‘A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.’”

Lao Tzu was a legendary ancient Chinese philosopher and poet and the guiding figure of Daoism (also translated as Taoism) in the 6th century. Daoism, still practiced, emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, generally defined as the source of everything and the ultimate principle underlying reality. Other helpful conversational information included these tips: “Deep breathing is a nice way to relax and increase air exchange in your lungs, especially in the morning as you wake up. Take 4 deep breaths in a row to clear your lungs. Try to do this 10 times per day.”

For insomnia they offered some of the same advice I give my clients, such as avoiding caffeine and alcohol near bedtime, avoiding naps during the day, limiting the use of electronics including your cell phone in the evening, and trying to create a peaceful bedtime routine that allows you to relax. If you are unable to sleep after 30 minutes, do not continue to lie in bed, but get up, move to a different room, and try reading quietly or listening to calming music. Do not watch television or look at your phone or computer. Electronics may stimulate your brain and cause you to become more awake. Best of all, the text mentioned meditation techniques as being helpful for sleeping. Who doesn’t love a great yoga nidra?

Of course, the text messages also included a few excellent physical therapy exercises such as quad and ankle pumps and buttock squeezes — all great exercises everyone should do daily. They encourage the patient to complete the exercises while they are lying down or during television commercial breaks. These messages are much like the ones I use to encourage clients to practice yoga (posture, balance, simple stretches) throughout the day.

I found this chatbot service from StreaMD, a service my brother’s orthopedic surgeon, Dr. David Howe in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, uses as an impressive way to extend his care to his patients. The messages most likely reduce the number of calls to his office before and after surgery, and hopefully they help all his patients, including my brother, successfully recover from their surgeries. Of course, the chatbox had its limitations when we asked it too many questions, but overall, the advice on breathing for relaxation and pain, meditation techniques to ensure a good night’s sleep, and the simple exercises presented are all activities we should incorporate into our daily lives.

More Maintaining Balance:

Ashton Graham is an educator, book publisher, photographer, cowgirl and yoga teacher. She is currently studying to become a yoga therapist and lives on a ranch in West Texas. Visit to learn more.

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Maintaining Balance: Maybe the voice in your head is on your phone