McClatchy files for bankruptcy protection

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The publisher of the Miami Herald and 29 other local newspapers filed for bankruptcy protection Thursday. McClatchy says it has secured enough financing to keep operating its newspapers as usual as it restructures the company.

The second largest publisher of local papers, Sacramento, California-based McClatchy has been burdened with huge debt from its purchase of publisher Knight Ridder in 2006 for $4.5 billion.

It's the latest sign of the crisis engulfing the newspaper industry. Staffs at dailies have been decimated as the industry loses ad revenue to Google and Facebook. A report by PEN America says a fifth of the 1800 newspapers in the U.S. have closed since 2004.

McClatchy shares rose on the news in early trading Thursday. They're trading for well under a dollar, a far cry from the $750 the stock once commanded in the year before it bought Knight Ridder.
