Media: Latvia transfers 66 vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers to Ukraine

Latvian authorities have already transferred 66 confiscated cars to Ukraine, according to the State Insurance Agency data reported in media outlet Delfi on June 4. The cars were seized by the Latvian state from drunk drivers, making the vehicles government property.

Once the cars become property of the Latvian government they can be transferred to the Ukrainian authorities free of charge.

The government of Latvia passed the amendments to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians earlier this year, creating the legal grounds for the transfer.

"I believe that every act of support, big or small, brings us closer to victory in this senseless war," said Latvian Minister of Finance Arvils Ašeradens about the initiative.

Latvia's State Revenue Service cooperated with the association Agendum, responsible for delivering confiscated vehicles to Ukraine and coordinating requests from the Ukrainian government institutions, according to the statement published on the Latvia's Finance Ministry website.