Media: Ukrainian truckers stage counterprotest at Polish border

Ukrainian truckers began a counterprotest at the Polish border on Nov. 28 in response to the ongoing blockade by Polish truckers, the Polish media outlet RMF 24 reported.

Polish police told RMF that Ukrainian truckers were blocking the Medyka crossing from the Polish side of the border, creating lengthy traffic jams that made it difficult for local residents to get home. The counterprotests also impacted traffic in the nearby larger border city of Przemsyl.

The atmosphere was calm, the reports said, but the Ukrainian truckers were open about the fact that it was a counterprotest in retaliation for those organized by Polish truckers. Groups of around 30 people entered the road and blocked traffic.

Polish truckers claim that the lack of entry permits for Ukrainian trucks is hurting business for Polish drivers and blocking three border crossing points since Nov. 6.

As a result of the blockade, around 2,100 vehicles are stuck, unable to get into Ukraine as of Nov. 26, Ukraine's Infrastructure Ministry said.

The flow of traffic at Dorohusk-Yahodyn, Ukraine's largest cargo crossing, is usually 680 trucks per day. It is now down to a few dozen every 24 hours, according to the ministry.

Negotiations have so far yet to bring an end to the situation.

Conditions have continued to worsen for the truckers as the weather gets colder. Two Ukrainian truckers have already died while waiting at the border, both reportedly of natural causes. One of them had been waiting at the border for more than three days prior to his death.

Read also: Trucker protests: Unraveling the standoff between Polish and Ukrainian haulers

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