Meet the candidates running for Sheboygan city council. Every seat is contested.

SHEBOYGAN - Five of 10 seats on the Sheboygan city council are up for election on April 4.

All five seats are contested, with incumbents running for re-election in every district.

City council members serve a two-year term and are paid $6,084 per year.

In February, the Sheboygan Press asked candidates about their experience and what issues they would seek to address if elected. Here's what they said. Some responses were lightly edited for clarity and brevity.

The Sheboygan branch of the American Association of University Women also hosted two candidate forums with city council candidates. A recording of the forum for Districts 1 and 7 is available here. A recording of the forum for Districts 3, 5 and 9 is available here.

Meet the candidates for District 1

Barb Felde
Barb Felde

Name: Barb Felde

Age: 68

Occupation: Retired after over 29 years as an educational assistant in the Sheboygan Area School District

Education: Graduated from Sheboygan South High School

Have you previously served in public office? Yes, for the past four years as the city councilperson for District 1

Aaron R. Guenther
Aaron R. Guenther

Name: Aaron R. Guenther

Age: 43

Occupation: Vice president of sales at Sheboygan's Torke Family Coffee Roasters since January 2011

Education: Bachelor's degree in public administration and associate degree in criminal justice from Mount Senario College. I’m also a trained minister and leader, specifically the type that listens to hurting people. Various vocational certifications, too many to name.

Have you previously served in public office? Not in elected office, but I was a firefighter previously and served in West Allis on the Economic Development Commission many years ago, as I was appointed by the mayor.


What makes you a good candidate in this race?

Felde: I have been honored these past four years to represent the constituents in District 1 and to help them address their concerns. I am a good listener and I enjoy working with people to solve problems. My strong leadership skills led me to be the chief steward for the classified employees in the SASD. For the last two years, I have been voted by the other alders to serve as the president of the Common Council. I have lived in District 1 with my husband and family for more than 24 years and I love the city of Sheboygan.

Guenther: I just feel like it’s my time and that there is no one better to fill the position right now. I am pro-business. I listen a lot and try to understand the perspective of the person coming to me with a problem. I focus on what is really going on and what steps I can take to improve or correct the issue. For Sheboygan, I am a person who will take your phone call, return your email, and actually work to find a solution. I value openness, honesty, and work with integrity.

What are residents telling you are their most important issues? If elected, how will you address them?

Felde: The most important issue to my residents is the quality of the roads. They really want them fixed, and there are concerns about how long it takes. I have been able to explain to them how our city prioritizes and funds these much-needed road repairs. Our city has a Capital Improvement Plan that details when these big projects will take place and how they will be funded. Additionally, I have also called DPW for my constituents to determine why there is a delay in the road repair. The other important issue is the real struggle for people to find affordable housing in the city of Sheboygan. We have made some good investments in housing these past few years, but we need to continue to explore new opportunities. I am pleased that we are focusing on new housing opportunities in several areas of our city this coming year.

Guenther: Right now, it's the corruption in Sheboygan with the mayor and council members operating behind closed doors, causing a federal lawsuit and withholding information from the public. Remember, I am the person that warned the council. I am a champion of open government, and both sides should want to hold their opposition accountable. Second would be the high cost of taxes in the city. I'll look at where are we are spending that is unnecessary or wasteful. We need to be more efficient, and I'd start with cutting spending on rainbow flags down Eighth Street, that is simply not a spending role of government. The American flag covers all citizens and that is inclusive enough. Lastly would be the intrusive nature of local government. I want our public servants to focus on what we can do to say yes, not why we have to say no to the citizens.

Local government budgets are tight across Wisconsin. What do you feel are top priorities for the city budget?

Felde: Every person on the present council is mindful of taxpayer dollars. I personally want our citizens to have clean air, clean water, and affordable housing so that we can continue to support our existing local businesses as well as bring new businesses and workers to Sheboygan.

Guenther: Infrastructure. Services for our citizens. Bringing opportunities for businesses to want to be here in the city.  We need to be easy to work with, that helps bring employers, jobs for people and people coming here to work in jobs. That is a financially stable community.

Do you support or oppose diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the city?

Felde: The students in the Sheboygan Area School District speak more than 40 languages at home. Our community is diverse, and we are all learning from each other. I strongly support diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in both the city and within the city’s workforce.

Guenther: The council certainly needs additional diversity. I am a white male constitutionalist conservative Christian. This perspective definitely needs to be represented. Currently, we have eight of 10 Common Council members who are in lock-step, agree, and force through whatever their agenda is. That is not diversity!

Meet the candidates for District 3

Paul Bolgert
Paul Bolgert

Name: Paul Bolgert

Age: 64

Occupation: Vice president of sales and strategic accounts at Winco

Education: Some college at UW-Madison

Have you previously served in public office? No

Amanda Salazar
Amanda Salazar

Name: Amanda Salazar

Age: 35

Occupation: Director of operations at Bookworm Gardens

Education: Sheboygan South High School graduate and some college

Have you previously served in public office? Yes, for the past two years as city councilperson for District 3

Website: Salazar for Sheboygan City Council on Facebook

What makes you a good candidate in this race?

Bolgert: Sheboygan is my home! My life experience will give me the discernment to be able to make decisions that will help Sheboygan continue to be a safe place to live and raise a family. Keeping Sheboygan clean with well-maintained roads and solid infrastructure should be an important priority. This, along with attracting new businesses to settle in Sheboygan that provide good-paying jobs, will keep Sheboygan strong.

Salazar: Having grown up in Sheboygan, I am invested and committed to making this community an even better place to work, live and play. My professional career (more than 13 years of non-profit management) has proven that I have the strong skills to efficiently manage budgets and operations. As alder of District 3 since 2021, I have a successful track record of knowing how to bring people together to solve problems and celebrate our wonderful city.

What are residents telling you are their most important issues? If elected, how will you address them?

Bolgert: Safe communities are a top priority. Feeling safe in your home along with being able to move about the community without feeling threatened is a continued priority. In addition, supporting a strong family life is important. Having affordable child care available to those that need it is a must. Strong schools with curriculums that prepare kids for a productive life outside of school will continue to keep Sheboygan a top destination for many people.

Salazar: When connecting with residents, the themes are:

  • Affordable and safe housing. I hope to work with my fellow council members to think about efforts to support our growing community by looking at the existing housing quality and how we can reimagine development within this community.

  • Repairing our roads. Safety is a top priority for our community, by continuing our efforts to repair and replace roads to protect our neighbors while they support our local businesses.

  • Local economic development. The purpose is to revitalize this community,  promote sustainability and attract investments. That means by buying local, we help create jobs for our neighbors and contribute to improved public infrastructure.

Local government budgets are tight across Wisconsin. What do you feel are top priorities for the city budget?

Bolgert: A well-funded and supported police force should continue to be a top priority. Support for all of the hard-working city employees and keeping our top-notch schools that way is also very important. We also need to continue to find ways to attract new businesses to the area, especially those with good-paying jobs and that include benefits in their employment package!


  1. Local economic development to help create jobs for our community and improve public infrastructures.

  2. Prioritize fixing our roads with repair and replacement.

  3. Explore new public/private partnerships to address the affordable housing challenge in our community.

Do you support or oppose diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the city?

Bolgert: I support any initiative that will help our great city thrive and enhance the lives of those who live and work here while not creating division and animosity among its citizens.

Salazar: I support diversity, equity and inclusion efforts for the benefits it will have on our city. A diverse workplace allows for more ideas and processes and broader range of skill among employees, and it increases productivity, profitability and team morale. Local businesses want a welcoming workplace to retain and recruit new workers.

Meet the candidates for District 5

Mark Kooistra
Mark Kooistra

Name: Mark Kooistra

Age: 63

Occupation: Semi-retired

Education: Bachelor's degree in business administration from Dordt College

Have you previously served in public office? No

Angela Ramey
Angela Ramey

Name: Angela Ramey

Age: 46

Occupation: Performing arts program director at John Michael Kohler Arts Center

Education: Bachelor's degree from UW-Madison

Have you previously served in public office? Yes, for the past year as city councilperson for District 5

What makes you a good candidate in this race?

Kooistra: I am a leader with a servant's heart. My 33 years as a manufacturing plant manager has given me strong communication skills as I lead a diverse group of individuals to meet our required goals in a 24/7 manufacturing environment. My wife of 42 years and I have four children who, along with their spouses and our eight grandchildren, also have made Sheboygan their home. My goal as an alderman is to keep Sheboygan a family-friendly area that is inviting to a variety of well-paying industries to call their home.

Ramey: I listen to my constituents’ concerns with understanding and respect. I believe that everyone deserves equal access to city services and has the right to feel welcome and safe while they work, play and contribute to our community. I will continue to advocate for families, local businesses, the environment, and investments in affordable housing and roads and infrastructure. My strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills allow me to focus on bringing people together to address the challenges. I believe in transparency, fiscal responsibility and building community connections to keep Sheboygan the innovative and thriving city it is.

What are residents telling you are their most important issues? If elected, how will you address them?

Kooistra: A few issues that people have expressed to me are: affordable housing for everyone, street repairs, bringing in new industries that can adequately support existing and new families in our city, creating programs that support healthy family units such as affordable family activities, supporting our police department and seeing cooperative nonpolitical elected city officials that keep the overall well-being of Sheboygan citizens as their core responsibility. I will address these issues by working with the city officials and the community to come together and continue to be a city known for its citizens, businesses and others who generously give back to their community wherever a need presents itself. I will work hard to make sure that politically correct agendas do not take the place of common-sense solutions. Lastly, I will work with all involved to maintain reasonable property taxes while still providing citizens with safe and well-cared-for facilities that promote longevity for current and new families.

Ramey: Our community has varied and dynamic concerns. Throughout my time on the council, I have heard concerns about public safety, affordable housing and transparency in local government. As the District 5 alder, I will continue to advocate for safer roads, not just for vehicles but for pedestrians and bikers. I will ensure that everyone has equal access to city services, and I will support efforts to educate how best to access our useful and important services. As our city continues to grow, I am supporting efforts to create affordable housing to contribute to the livelihood of multigenerational families.

Local government budgets are tight across Wisconsin. What do you feel are top priorities for the city budget?

Kooistra: Our city department heads are skilled and experienced individuals. I would rely on their input before providing a list of top priorities for the city budget. Anything outside of this approach would be a less-than-accurate answer of the ever-changing needs of a city the size of Sheboygan.

Ramey: Our taxes support the important services in our city. These services should focus on serving everyone — not a select few. Our taxes invest in our roads and infrastructure, public safety, library, parks and Lake Michigan. These investments allow us to enhance tourism and plan for sustainable growth for our city.

Do you support or oppose diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the city?

Kooistra: Equal Employment Opportunity is a long-required set of laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. They are considered the "Gold Standard" for unbiased workplace treatment based on: race/color, national origin/ethnicity, religion, age, sex/gender/sexual orientation and medical history. These laws cover diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

Ramey: I support diversity, equity and inclusion efforts made in the city and the private sector. My partner, Eric, and I decided to buy a home and raise our two daughters here because of the wonderful history of Sheboygan being a great place for everyone to live, work and raise a family.

Meet the candidates for District 7

Paul Hankins
Paul Hankins

Name: Paul Hankins

Age: 63

Occupation: Floor support coordinator for Curt G Joa Inc.

Education: Bachelor's degree in English from UW-Eau Claire and associate degree in Bible from Central Bible College

Have you previously served in public office? No


Grazia Perrella
Grazia Perrella

Name: Grazia Perrella

Age: 58

Occupation: Director of operations at Family Services Association

Education: I am in a doctoral program (second year) for public administration at the University of Illinois-Springfield. I have a master's degree from the University of Arizona in global technology and development.

Have you previously served in public office? Yes, for the past two years as the city councilperson for District 7. I also serve on the Finance and Personnel Committee, the Capital Improvement Commission and the Housing Rehabilitation Commission.

Website: Grazia Perrella on Facebook

What makes you a good candidate in this race?

Hankins: Our kids are grown and I have the time and interest. I am newer to Sheboygan and see it with fresh eyes. My service background is all in ministry, so I think cosmically and act personally. I’m wired to serve, help, improve, encourage. When I get to know new people, I’m looking for ways I can help them. I love to make people laugh and think, both of which we can use more. I’m a passionate promoter and see Sheboygan as an undiscovered jewel. I believe in mastering the fundamental 20% of any endeavor to achieve 80% of desired results.

Perrella: In the last two years, I have done a good job as an alderwoman. I take my job on the Common Council very seriously, I am responsive to my constituents when they have concerns, and I have shown to be a good steward of taxpayers' money. I want to continue serving District 7 because I know what this role takes and I’m willing to put in the hard work.

What are residents telling you are their most important issues? If elected, how will you address them?

Hankins: Folks want safe streets and schools. They want drama-free government. They want happy, hardworking city employees. They want efficient, meat-and-potatoes governance, not trendy political agendas. They want to be Sheboygan, not Chicago. They want their streets plowed, their fires put out and their kids protected. They want truthful, transparent and trustworthy leadership.

If elected, I’ll have a lot of listening and learning to do. My constituents will teach me what they see, need and desire; city staff and workers, what is possible and practical; my fellow alders, how my district fits in the broader picture of Sheboygan’s past, present and promise. A good leader doesn’t have to be the smartest or most experienced person in the room if they strive to serve with humility and wisdom, for which I’ll plead daily. Sheboygan is blessed with great workers. I’ll just need to know how to connect them with people’s needs.

Perrella: Residents want more support for small businesses, they want to keep the city safe and want adequate maintenance of our roads, more affordable housing and to see more oversight over the negative impact of unscrupulous landlords in our neighborhoods.

Local government budgets are tight across Wisconsin. What do you feel are top priorities for the city budget?

Hankins: Top priorities are police, fire, streets and services, housing/land use and economic development. Figuring out how to do more with less. Creating space to grow demographically and economically. Increasing a sense of unity, positivity and shared sacrifice among all our citizens to build something together that no government program ever could.

Perrella: Top priorities are the safety and the quality of life of our residents, which include environmental protection, drinking water safety, and proper funding to our fire and police departments. Other priorities are affordable housing developments, upkeep of roads, sidewalks and parks, in addition to snow removal, trash collection and recycling.

Do you support or oppose diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the city?

Hankins: I’m for unity, equality and opportunity. E pluribus unum. The Golden Rule. Tried and true, not shiny and new. Back to basics. Sometimes the old ways are the best. Sometimes more attention makes a problem where there wasn’t much of one before. Strange that today, again, this is revolutionary thinking.

Perrella: Diversity, equity and inclusion are expressions of social justice, and they are instrumental to make our city an even more welcoming community. I pursue any opportunity as an elected official to advocate for equity, and to facilitate inclusion and diversity. Our community is rich only when all residents are empowered.

Meet the candidates for District 9

Julie Konik
Julie Konik

Name: Julie Konik

Age: 48

Occupation: Psychology instructor at Lakeshore Technical College

Education: Doctoral degree in psychology and women's studies from the University of Michigan

Have you previously served in public office? No

Website: Julie4Council on Facebook

Trey K. Mitchell
Trey K. Mitchell

Name: Trey Mitchell

Age: 27

Occupation: Programmer analyst at Acuity

Education: Bachelor's degree in computer science from Concordia University

Have you previously served in public office? Yes, for the past five years as the city councilperson for District 9

  • Finance and Personnel: Member 2018-2021; chairman 2021-Present

  • Licensing, Hearings, and Public Safety: Member 2018, vice chair 2019

  • City Plan Commission: 2021-present

  • Redevelopment Authority

  • Capital Improvements Commission

  • Transit Commission


What makes you a good candidate in this race?

Konik: I love living in Sheboygan, and I want to work to make our city even better. As an educator for more than 20 years, I have sharpened my skills in communicating complex information. Having earned two graduate degrees in psychology, I have cultivated my listening skills. I also have developed my skills as a researcher, so I can make decisions based on data. Additionally, I am well-versed on community, statewide and national issues. I have had a variety of leadership experiences, including vice president of the Lakeshore Educational Association (LTC faculty union).

Mitchell: My experience, consistency and commitment. I have been District 9’s alderman for five years. In that time, I've learned a great deal about how the city operates, what residents care most about seeing their council address, and the greatest needs in our community. I have also been deeply involved in the city’s annual budgeting and capital improvements processes. I refuse to bring a personal agenda to the table, instead focusing only on the needs and wants of our community. Sheboygan has always been my home and I want to ensure that future generations of Sheboyganites enjoy the same vibrant, congenial community that I had the opportunity to grow up in.

What are residents telling you are their most important issues? If elected, how will you address them?

Konik: Residents are telling me that they are concerned about affordable housing, especially the high price of apartment rent. Another concern they have is the quality of the roads, which are stressed every winter. They are also worried about public safety.

If elected, I would seek federal grants to address these issues without stressing taxpayer dollars. For example, Sheboygan can apply for grants for housing assistance through the U.S. Bureau of Housing and Urban Development. Funding is also available for road repair from the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. One way to promote public safety is through adding streetlights. I know I don’t feel safe with the level of lighting by my home. There is federal funding for streetlights in the American Rescue Plan. I have more than 20 years of grant-writing experience, including winning a $100,000 grant to finance my doctoral education from the federal government.

Mitchell: Roads, safety, and truth and transparency from government. I will continue to support an aggressive “catch-up” schedule for road maintenance in each year’s budget and capital improvements program. I will also continue to support and advocate for police and fire department funding that provides for the personnel, training and resources they need to provide the level of protection Sheboyganites deserve. City leadership has work to do in rebuilding trust out in the community as well as internally among employees. I have heard this most often within the context of the situation regarding the now former city administrator. Though I am still unable to speak to that item in detail, I can reaffirm that I will continue to act based on consistent principles and to be fully forthright with my constituents.

Local government budgets are tight across Wisconsin. What do you feel are top priorities for the city budget?

Konik: I feel they should align with Sheboygan’s strategic plan, focusing on quality of life and infrastructure. For example, our parks are a wonderful asset that need to be preserved. I also feel the budget should focus on public safety, including training for our police officers on managing mental health emergencies.

Mitchell: A local government has four key areas of responsibility: public safety, infrastructure, city services, and economic development. Faithfully fulfilling the city’s promise to citizens necessitates prioritizing initiatives in those areas. They also provide the greatest day-to-day returns on taxpayers’ annual investments.

Do you support or oppose diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the city?

Konik: I do support DEI efforts in the city. As Sheboygan is becoming more diverse, it is essential that we are a welcoming place for all residents. It is not only the correct thing economically, as diversity promotes economic well-being, it is the right thing to do morally.

Mitchell: That depends entirely on which efforts and what ends they pursue. I believe in equal opportunity and equal access to services for all residents. Any instance that the city falls short of that principle should be immediately identified and expediently corrected.

How to vote

To vote, you must be registered and present a photo ID. You can register to vote in advance or at the polling place the day of the election. For more information on registration or early voting hours, call the city clerk's office at 920-459-3361. Polls will be open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. on April 4.

You must vote at the polling location of the ward in which you live. As a result of redistricting, some wards have changed. Find your voting location at or by calling the city clerk.

Reach Maya Hilty at 920-400-7485 or

This article originally appeared on Sheboygan Press: Sheboygan city council candidates share priorities before election