Meet the candidates running for Wisconsin's 71st Assembly District seat in the November election

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A rematch is set for Democratic incumbent Katrina Shankland and Republican challenger Scott Soik in the race for Wisconsin's 71st Assembly District seat. The two first faced each other in 2020 when Soik lost by about 3,000 votes.

This year, Soik attempts to unseat Shankland as she seeks her sixth term in office.

The 71st Assembly District covers a large portion of Portage County, including Stevens Point and Plover.

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The Stevens Point Journal asked each of the candidates to address important issues in the district and why they believe they are the best candidate for the position.

Katrina Shankland

Katrina Shankland
Katrina Shankland

Age: 35

City of residence: Stevens Point

Occupation: State representative

Campaign website:

Scott Soik

Scott Soik
Scott Soik

Age: 48

City of residence: Town of Linwood

Occupation: Small business owner/gunsmith

Campaign website: 

Why are you running for office?

Shankland: I’m running to continue solving problems for our community and being your voice. I’ve passed bills into law every session I’ve served. My priorities are ensuring our kids have strong public schools, increasing shared revenue to local governments to ensure public safety services are well-funded and preventing property tax hikes.

Soik: Service. It’s a part of who I am. In 1993 when I joined the Marine Corps, I took an oath to protect and defend our constitution. Then I ran for Portage County Board because I care about our local community. Now, I am running to serve you in the Assembly.

What makes you the better candidate?

Shankland: As a bipartisan leader, I have the experience, knowledge and temperament to deliver real results for Portage County. From passing bills for first responder safety to supporting our farmers, I know how to get meaningful results. I’m focused on bringing our tax dollars home and passing legislation for our community.

Soik: My life experience and ties to Portage County. I’m not a career politician, I was born and raised here and stayed to raise my family. I am a Marine, run my own small business and sit on several local boards. I am prepared to represent Portage County in the Assembly.

What is the most pressing issue facing Wisconsin and how would you address it?

Shankland: A significant challenge impacting everyday Wisconsin residents is the partisan gridlock in Madison that prevents legislators from coming together to find real solutions to serious problems. Right now, Wisconsin families are facing serious challenges from inflation in prescription drug and health care costs to gas prices, grocery bills and more. Unfortunately, instead of working together to find reasonable solutions to these challenges, many politicians are sitting on their hands.

We must end partisan gerrymandering so more legislators are focused on working together. As your state representative, I bring people together to pass meaningful legislation that addresses the problems facing our community.

Soik: Inflation and the direction of Wisconsin’s economy. Senior citizens are being taxed out of their homes, middle-class families are struggling to put food on the table and gas in their cars, and small business owners are having a hard time finding workers and when they do, making payroll.

The residents of Portage County cannot afford tax increases like those supported by Representative Shankland. I support policies that lower the tax burden on families, seniors and small business owners, while also balancing the state budget and cutting reckless government spending.

Would you vote to repeal Wisconsin's ban on abortions or to add exemptions to the law?

Shankland: As a co-author of legislation to repeal Wisconsin's 1849 criminal abortion ban, an extreme law enacted before women were allowed to vote, I will always support our right to choose. Private medical decisions should be between a woman, her family, her faith and her doctor. I firmly believe that government should have no say in your private reproductive health care decisions.

My opponent, however, has said he “does not believe in abortion at any time,” including for victims of rape and incest or to save the life of the mother. This is an extremist position and the definition of government overreach.

Soik: I understand this is an issue that people feel strongly about, and there will be much debate and discussion when the Legislature reconvenes after the election. I am pro-life and believe in exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I do know that we cannot allow the extremist abortion positions like those supported by Representative Shankland, such as allowing an abortion because the baby is the wrong gender, race or has Down syndrome and refusing to pass a law to protect a baby that is born alive during an attempted abortion.

Are the public schools in your district properly funded?

Shankland: In Portage County and throughout Wisconsin a rising number of communities are going to referendum to fund their public schools. This results from the state not paying its fair share over several state budgets, which then places an undue burden on homeowners, renters and businesses to fund public education through voting to raise their property taxes.

I have a plan to increase shared revenue from the state to local governments and fairly fund our public schools, which would reduce the need for burdensome property tax hikes. You can count on me to continue championing fair funding for our kids’ futures.

Soik: As a graduate of Stevens Point public schools and a parent of kids in the Stevens Point Public School District, I support public education and support funding it appropriately. I also believe that parents should have a seat at the table when it comes to their child’s education and should know what is being taught in the classroom.

Additionally, I believe that parents should have the ability to choose where their child attends school and be able to find a school that meets their needs.

How should state government help Wisconsin residents combat the effects of inflation?

Shankland: Far too many people in Central Wisconsin are struggling with the rising cost of food, gas, energy and more. I'm working to combat inflation through Buy American and Buy Wisconsin legislation I’ve coauthored, which would rebuild supply chains and create high-paying manufacturing jobs right here in Portage County.

To lower prices at the pump, I have supported a gas tax holiday that would immediately cut gas prices by 31 cents a gallon. I’ve introduced legislation to help homeowners, farmers and businesses with energy efficiency, lowering their energy bills. I’ll work to address inflation by continuing to listen to your ideas.

Soik: We should ensure that taxes are low so senior citizens can stay in their homes, hard-working families can keep more of their paychecks and small businesses are able to stay open. It is also important to ensure that the government spends within its means and doesn’t continue to spend recklessly, helping drive up inflation.

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This article originally appeared on Stevens Point Journal: Katrina Shankland and Scott Soik vie for 71st Assembly District seat