Meet the Guy Who Is Changing the Mortgage and Real Estate Marketing Game

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2020 / Real estate investor, market enthusiast, and top-producing mortgage banker, Neel Dhingra, has a passion for digital marketing. Revolutionizing the real estate and mortgage marketing game, Neel and his team are leading the digitalization of the industry. In an industry that is old school in most aspects, Neel is one of the few who is executing an effective marketing strategy.

Having been in the business of real estate and mortgage for nearly 20 years, Neel personally witnessed and was affected by the decline in revenue. He saw that individual agents and loan officers were slowly being commoditized. Neel and his team's business efforts were becoming less and less effective. It was then that Neel decided to do things differently.

"I saw the big brands growing bigger and bigger and continuing to take market share from individual salespeople on the ground. I saw that many consumers would prefer the local expert over the big brands, but not enough of them know about us. So I wanted to build my own personal brand to level the playing field and prove that anyone with proven skills and expertise can become as powerful as the big brands within their local market or region," he shares.

By making use of the online platform, he provided a unique value and a better, more comfortable experience for his clients and business partners. By branching online, Neel has opened his agency to more clients, scaling his communication on multiple platforms. Over time, his marketing style exploded and greatly affected his business and income. Eager to share his knowledge, Neel found himself helping other individuals learn how to market themselves better.

While most prefer to keep their ideas all to themselves, Neel shares his techniques and advice for all to learn. His success in the digitalization of his business has awakened a passion in him for helping others do the same thing he is and achieve the level of success he has. "This is moving the industry forward and helping individuals innovate at the grassroots level," Neel says.

The change in the consumer market is demanding an upgrade from real estate agents to stop using outdated advice and adopt the online market. By learning how to provide value and opening communication lines, Neel is dedicated to helping individuals attract business, allowing potential clients to approach them without agents having to reach out to them personally.

Currently based in Nevada, Neel's transition to content marketing on multiple platforms has had him recognized as a 2019 Video Influencer by BombBomb and Tom Ferry. He keeps his reach and clients updated by consistently producing content on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. To share his tips and hacks in the industry and how he succeeded in digitizing his businesses, Neel also produces a podcast named The NeelHome Podcast, which is available on Youtube and all major podcast platforms.

Neel's adoption of the online market has been a game-changer for both the real estate and the mortgage marketing industries. He is currently planning on growing his team to help even more families and business partners. Neel is working on ramping up the content creation and distribution to make his content available on more platforms and widen his reach. To accommodate the developing customer demands, Neel is up for the challenge and ready to continue to evolve and innovate his businesses.

Connect with Neel via his official website.
Company: AWM, Inc.
Phone number: 775-747-8199


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