Meet the Peoria City Council candidates: Why they're running for office

This is the first in a series of articles leading up to the April 4 election.

For this article, we simply asked the candidates: "Why have you decided to run for City Council?" Read the Journal Star and in the coming days for more info on the candidates and their stances.

Meet the candidates: What kind of expertise and experience will you bring to Peoria City Council?

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Demario Boone

I am running for Peoria City Council At-Large because Peoria deserves a City Council member that will speak and fight for ALL Peorians. A council member who will fight for those that have been left out by decisions made by our local government and make sure that their voice is heard at every table. A council member who will address the root causes of our poverty, crime, and our racial inequity. A council person or council member who will respect our city's finances and prioritize investing in start-up businesses. A council person or council member who understands that we cannot keep repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results. We need bold progressive actions to address our issues. Peorians deserve a council person or council member who they can trust and has a proven track record of putting our community and our residents first. One who has always been on the ground in our neighborhoods fighting for hardworking families and making impactful changes before running for office.

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Bernice Gordon-Young

As a 50-year resident of Peoria, mental health specialist, and longtime, active union member, I have lived a life of public service. An at-large position has to have knowledge of all areas of the city and not focus solely on one. I have lived in every district in Peoria and know the unique culture of every district and the residents well. As a professional listener, I know what Peorians want and need as well as how to get us there. Peorians ranked public safety as the highest priority and my extensive experience working in the fields of public safety and mental health will be an asset in decision making, allocation of funds, and assessing the needs of all stakeholders. It is not enough to have empathy, my evidence-based strategies and 28 years of experience in mental health and public safety will be unique and necessary on the council.

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John Kelly

I am an incumbent, having been elected for the first time four years ago. I am a lifelong Peorian and have been involved in public policy matters since Dick Carver was our mayor. I feel I have brought a unique and useful perspective to many of the city's issues. In particular, I fought very hard to bring a tax abatement program to some of our older neighborhoods, so that if anyone built a new home there, they would pay no real estate taxes on it for almost 10 years. And I have advocated for an amendment of the enabling Illinois statute that would allow for rehabs to enjoy the same benefit. I stood up for North Valley and SouthSide residents against big multi-family housing projects promoted by the state. I love constituent calls, and have experienced only one where the caller left the call still angry. In all the other calls I've had, whether the caller and I agree or disagree, we part friends, respecting each other.

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Lawrence Maushard

I'm running for office because it's far past time that all residents of the underserved neighborhoods of Peoria have full-time dedicated representation by someone who lives where they do and understands a lot of the common problems up close and personal. I'm running as a proud socialist progressive pro-labor LGBTQIA+ Leftist Democrat, especially for the marginalized and often voiceless residents in the East Bluff, North Valley, South Side, Center Bluff and other neighborhoods that rarely enjoy the full resources and positive attention of City Hall. As an example of the service I wish to model, if elected, I pledge to donate at least half of my city salary & any related benefits to local nonprofit organizations.

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Zach Oyler

It has been my sincere honor to serve as an at-large Peoria City Councilman since 2017. I am up for re-election to my second full term during the rapidly approaching April 4th municipal election. Over the last four years, our city has faced many challenges and I am proud to report back on the work I have done on your behalf.

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Anu Uddavolu

As a pro bono attorney for Prairie State Legal Services and serving on CFCI Women’s Fund Advisory Board, Women in Leadership of Central Illinois and Peoria Joint Commission on Racial Justice and Equity gave me the opportunity to understand our community and learn about the problems that impact people in our community. Peoria is my home, and home is where you belong. Because I care about Peoria and want to make a positive impact on the lives of people who live here. I want to be your voice because it’s time that somebody represented you at the City Council.

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Kiran Velpula

As an incumbent councilman for Peoria, I see the potential for the city to become a healthcare hub and a thriving biotech corridor. With the recent addition of the OSF HealthCare Cancer Institute, as well as St. Francis hospital, UnityPoint, and the College of Medicine, Peoria already has a wealth of healthcare resources. My goal is to make Peoria a destination for healthcare and a prosperous community that benefits everyone who lives here. I believe that city governance can play a key role in advancing healthcare in Peoria by attracting and retaining healthcare businesses and talent. As a councilman, I am committed to working with my colleagues, as well as leaders in the healthcare and biotech industries, to build a brighter future for Peoria.

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Mike Vespa

I love Peoria. I'm a fifth-generation, lifelong Peorian and Bradley graduate and I plan on living here my entire life. I'm heavily invested in our city and feel we have incredible potential. I also believe I have the unique collaborative consensus-building skills needed to solve the dysfunction plaguing Peoria City Hall. I come from a big family of both Democrats and Republicans. I will push for solutions, not more bickering.

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Benjamin Nicks Jr.

To serve the citizens of Peoria.

Editor's note: Clara Underwood-Forman did not respond to the questionnaire.

This article originally appeared on Journal Star: Why these Peoria City Council candidates are running for office