Meet the new principal: Matthew Peel answers questions about himself, plans and pro sports

Ever since he was a kid, Matthew Peel has had a interest in education. That spark led him to a career as a math teacher, and then as an administrator. Now, he has been named the new principal at Plainfield High School, after working with the LEARN Magnet Schools, Colchester and Griswold. Peel said he is eager to learn about the school and community, and wants to have a dialogue with the community and build long-term relationships to help the high school grow.

The Bulletin spoke with Peel on Wednesday, July 1, and his answers are below. The following has been edited for conciseness and clarity.

Matthew Peel is the new principal at Plainfield High School
Matthew Peel is the new principal at Plainfield High School

How are things going so far?

Peel: It’s my first day, so I’m getting settled in. I’m learning who does what around her, but so far its going well. I’ve already met several staff members, from the athletic director to the custodian, and the administrators. So far, everyone’s been welcoming and friendly to me. They have a lot of pride and love for Plainfield, that’s for sure.

How did you first get into education?

Peel: I always wanted to be a teacher. Ever since third grade, I’ve been helping my friends do their schoolwork and stuff. I taught high school Math for nine years in Maryland, then seven years at Stonington High School, where I graduated from. Once I became a teacher, I felt I could have more of an impact on my students' lives if I got into leadership, so I was the associate principal at Griswold High School for seven years, followed by principal at Bacon Academy for seven years.

Why did you come to Plainfield High School?

Peel: Last year, I was working with LEARN in administrative capacities. They had me helping out in administrative capacities, but not at the high school level. It was great, but my heart is in the high school level. I’ve been in the Eastern Connecticut Conference for the last 20 years, and I’ve built a lot of strong relationships with the schools and people in the ECC. When I saw this opportunity for Plainfield High School principal open up, I felt like getting back into a high school position.

Plainfield is a great community that I got familiar with during my time at Griswold. When I went through the interview process, it was apparent to me how much the parents and kids love their high school. After Dr. Christopher Bitgood left, being there so long, they’re looking for someone to take care of the school, and I’m looking forward to taking that challenge on.

What are the challenges right now for Plainfield High?

Peel: I’m not sure. I have to get settled in first. There’s been opportunities for people to come in and sit with me and chat. It’s an open invite this summer. I’ve got a lot to learn first. People love their school and they want to see it get better and better. Over the next few months, if not the full year, I’ll learn what people want and where we want to take our school.

Red Sox or Yankees?

Peel: Obviously, Red Sox.

What do you like to do outside of school?

Peel: I’ve got a lot of hobbies and interests. I’m lucky enough to have an awesome family. I’ve got a wife and two kids and they’re always fantastic. My wife is always a great support for me. Separate from that, I’m a big, big golfer. I like to play a lot of sports, but that’s my number one. I do a lot of woodworking, a lot of landscaping, a lot of designing and building things. Keeps my mind sane while I’m not at work.

More: Process to find new principal Matthew Peel named principal at Plainfield High School - why was he selected?

What’s your proudest moment or biggest achievement?

Peel: It’s not necessarily a proudest moment or biggest achievement, but my proudest, up until this point, was my tenure as principal at Bacon Academy. I built a strong connection between the students, staff, and parents. They bestowed me with the name “Proud Principal Peel.” I thought it was evidence of their appreciation for my dedication to the school. That’s the thing I’m most proud of so far. The depth of relationships I built and the successes and the sense of family we created at Bacon. I’m looking forward to doing all that again.

What would you bring over from your prior districts?

Peel: There’ll be some work from my past that I can bring over to benefit Plainfield, but for me to do that coming in would be an injustice. I would have to learn about the climate and the culture, and what the priorities for the students, families and staff are.

What do you want parents to know?

Peel: I want the parents to know that their children are in good hands her at Plainfield High School. We believe in safety and security first, taking care of every child and adult. This is a school where everyone is valued. I also have an open door policy. As long as there aren’t meetings or anything in my way, if parents want to drop in and chat, ask questions, or share their concerns, they can. So can students and staff. I like to be accessible

What do you want the students to know?

Peel: I want the students to know that the principal cares about them, and I want to know them, support them, and give them the high school they deserve. I will be working for them.

What else are you looking forward to in the fall?

Peel: I look forward to working with Superintendent Paul Brenton. In all my experiences thus far, he’s been welcoming and supportive, so I’m looking forward to an opportunity to partner with a boss like that. The rest of the admin team has welcomed me. They are a strong team, work well together, and they look forward to me joining. I want to know everybody’s strengths and how to best leverage that.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Peel: It’s a great school. There’s so many opportunities for growth and success here, and not until the building is live will I have a good sense. I think it’s going to be a great year, and I plan on sticking around a long time, and creating some long-term growth for the school.

This article originally appeared on The Bulletin: Plainfield High School Principal Matthew Peel here for the long term