Meet Shreveport's award-winning filmmaker and composer. Who is Viraj Gandhi?

Viraj Gandhi found his place within the film industry after rediscovering his love for the arts and finding a niche in using experimental music to elevate his powerful storytelling.

While Gandhi was mainly raised in Shreveport, his parents emigrated from Mumbai, India, in the late 1970s, and most of his education was obtained in a boarding school in Connecticut. From there, he went on to medical school, where he felt he was missing something in his soul.

Gandhi went as far as getting in line to take the Medical College Admission Test but couldn't follow through.

"I looked in line and everybody looked like they knew what they're gonna do with their life or looked miserable. And I was in that second group," Gandhi said.

His dad owns an internal medicine practice in Shreveport, and his mom helps run it. While they were shocked at their son's choice to change career paths, Gandhi said he was "super duper lucky" his parents supported him.

The first movie Gandhi recalls inspiring him was the 2000 Christopher Nolan mystery thriller "Momento," and that was the beginning of everything.

Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.
Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.

"I was 11 and was like, 'Oh my gosh, you can play with story in so many different ways because you have all these different elements to it,' " Gandhi said. "And that's when I really fell in love with film because, for me, it's almost like literature and film are kind of equivalent. One is like you're making the film in your head and one is you're being presented like someone's version of that narrative."

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Gandhi said his passion for music allows it to inspire his films and create the soundtrack. In his junior year of college, he was introduced to Alice Coltrane's fourth album, "Journey in Satchidananda," and it was the first record he ever bought.

"She's so special for me because she went to India and came back and made a jazz record that when I heard it for the first time, it kind of felt like I was home," Gandhi explained. "It was like half Indian music and half jazz music."

Gandhi's first short film, "When Planets Mate," explores the origins of life and humanity's quest for transcendental knowledge while voyaging through a "psychonautic" world melded from biology and Hindu myth. The film was also composed by Gandhi, who goes by the artist name "Chakram."

Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.
Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.

After the success of his first film, and ending up in Rolling Stone India, Gandhi felt the pressure to live up to what he created the first time around. Now that he's back home working on it, he feels like it's coming along much easier.

"In Search of Sumitra" is inspired by Gandhi's experiences trying to reconnect with his grandmother's spirit in the dream dimension after her passing.

"I had to come home to finish it. I grew up in this house with her, you know, she lived here," Gandhi said. "At the end of this cycle of making stuff and getting started, I chose kind of like the six tracks that kind of seemed to have the most story to them. From there, I always was interested in how Hinduism and physics kind of hold each other up."

While the first two films are animated, Gandhi is looking to move to live action for future projects to get back to his theater roots after earning a Master of Fine Arts at Brown University.

Gandhi has been working closely with the Prize Foundation since returning home in December, helping with Film Prize Jr., ArtBreak and making preparations for Music Prize.

Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.
Viraj Gandhi photographed at the Film Prize offices in Shreveport on April 5, 2022.

"I just refuse to compromise. I'm always gonna make the stuff I want to make the way I want to make it, and I believe every worthy piece of art has an invitation and a challenge," Gandhi said. "My advice to anybody is just to make hard decisions. Do the harder thing always because usually doing the right thing there's something you need to learn in there."

Meredith G. White is the arts and culture reporter for the Shreveport Times. You can find her on Facebook as Meredith G. White, on Instagram and Twitter as @meredithgwhite, and email her at 

This article originally appeared on Shreveport Times: Meet Shreveport filmmaker and composer Viraj Gandhi