Meet the Vinny, a firefighter and Navy veteran, cooking on 'Next Level Chef' Season 2

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WESTMINSTER ― For many local viewers, Super Bowl LVII will merely be the warm-up act for what promises to be the true major television event on the evening Sunday, Feb. 12 – the debut of Westminster resident Vincent Alia on Next Level Chef.”

The 43-year-old Westminster resident who works as a firefighter in Leominster will be among the contestants facing unique cooking challenges as they compete for the title of the world’s next culinary superstar, as decided by a trio of talented chefs, including series host Gordon Ramsay.

“I don’t think it’s really hit me yet,” said Alia about the thought of millions of TV viewers tuning in to watch his show following the Big Game. “I think it’s scary and fun and nerve-wracking, and I just hope I represented the firefighters, the veterans, the dads, and I hope I just did well for my family.”

Westminster resident Vincent Alia, center, will be a contestant on Gordon Ramsay's "Next Level Chef" show on Sunday, Feb. 12.
Westminster resident Vincent Alia, center, will be a contestant on Gordon Ramsay's "Next Level Chef" show on Sunday, Feb. 12.

Alia, who is a single father and a Navy veteran, remembered watching the first season of the London-based cooking show when it aired. He was urged to submit an application to be a contestant by his co-worker, Shawn Phillips, who knew how much Alia enjoyed cooking for the crew at the Leominster Fire Department.

Leominster, MA, firefighter encouraged by co-workers to apply for reality show

“While we were watching (the first season of “Next Level Chef), Shawn looked it up and found that they were holding auditions for the next season,” Alia recalled. He filled out the 40-page application, writing down “firehouse cook” in the spot looking for qualifications.

After a few callbacks, the show’s producers asked for some photographs of some dishes prepared by Alia. He said he had been unprepared for the request.

“I’m just a firehouse cook,” he said. “I don’t have any plates, I don’t know how to make anything look fancy.”

But the photographs must have done the trick, Alia said, because the next step was a live interview with the show’s producers.

Any nerves he may have been experiencing were quickly allayed when he was told by members of the show’s crew that the producers had “loved” Alia’s personality and background.

“I did my live interview, nailed it, because I was myself and I have a lot of personality, I guess,” he said. “And then one day, I was getting off of work, I was with my buddies, and I got the call saying I’d made it.”

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After arriving in London for the taping, he tested positive for COVID-19.

“I knew there was a million people in line (to appear on the show), and that they would just go on to the next person,” Alia said. But he was told by a producer not to get discouraged as they pursued various options. “Then lo and behold, he called me up and said they were giving me five days to show up.”

Westminster resident Vincent Alia, left, has a moment alone with chef Gordon Ramsay during a scene from "Next Level Chef."
Westminster resident Vincent Alia, left, has a moment alone with chef Gordon Ramsay during a scene from "Next Level Chef."

After makeup, a few wardrobe tests, and camera checks, Alia found himself on stage and competing with 22 other contestants for the approval of Gordon Ramsay, whose on-camera demeanor could be said at times to be perhaps a bit colorful and volatile. Aria described his experience at the basement level of the set as “unreal.”

“There’s a platform with food on it, it comes down and stops at your level for 20 seconds, and you have no idea what you’re cooking, you just have 20 seconds to run to the platform and pick (the ingredients) you think are going to wow three of the greatest chefs of our time right now,” Aria explained. “And then you have 45 minutes to cook (final product) – and if you screw up, you’re done. It’s like being a high school football player and being thrown right into the NFL.”

For the record, Alia said Ramsay’s on-camera behavior was nothing like how the famous chef carried himself in real life.

“I don’t want to kill his vibe, but he’s probably the nicest and most giving guy on earth – he was super-nice and I don’t have a bad thing to say about him,” Alia said.

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Although the outcome of the competition is being kept strictly under wraps, Alia said he was pleased by the reaction of family and friends now that word is out that he will be appearing on the show.

“My daughter, Madison, she’s only 9 and she’s in awe over it, thinking that her dad is going to be famous,” Alia said. “It’s been a fun ride. My family is proud, my friends are proud – nothing but positivity from everyone.”

He lost both of his parents unexpectedly a year apart in the runup to the audition process.

There were also some bumps in the road following the taping of the show.

In December, Alia suffered a heart attack while at work and was required to undergo surgery. While not able to work, Alia is attending online classes at Mount Wachusett Community College full time. He singled out friend and co-worker Nick Caponi for his assistance during his hospital stay.

“I’m just trying to get better for the fire department,” Alia said.

How to Watch: Next Level Chef Season 2

Network: Fox

Time and Day: 10:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 12 (following the Super Bowl)

Streaming: Hulu

Follow Vinny Alia on social media

Instagram: vindog9

TikTok: daddystovepipe9

Facebook: Vincent Alia

This article originally appeared on Gardner News: Meet Vincent Alia, a MA firefighter, competing on 'Next Level Chef'