Meet the women running a Saudi Arabian factory

This factory in Saudi Arabia

is fully run by women

from the top rungs of management

to the forklift drivers

Location: Al-Ahsa

(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) FACTORY OWNER, ABDUL HAMEED IBN ZAID, SAYING:"This is the first women-run factory for packaging dates in Saudi Arabia and in the Arab world. This women-run operation includes managers, accountants, production line workers, quality and nutrition specialists and even running some of the machines inside the factory."

It was formerly staffed by expats

but the owner changed direction

in keeping with the Kingdom's shift

to integrate women into the labor force

(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) FACTORY MANAGER, NABTAH ALSOBAIE, SAYING:"We as a group of women were given the opportunity to run this factory and we have proven to the world that we are successful and that Saudi women can work in this field or any other field."