Men Are Less Likely To Wear A Condom With An Attractive Female Partner


[Photo: Pexels]

In the latest episode of People Being Weird, men are apparently less likely to use a condom with a woman they find attractive.

In a new study at Southampton and Bristol universities, a group of researchers surveyed 51 heterosexual men between the ages of 18 and 69 via face-to-face interviews. They were shown 20 pictures of different women and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of one to 100.


[Photo: Giphy]

They were then asked a series of questions, including what the likelihood would be of them sleeping with each woman, how likely they thought it would be that they’d use a condom, how many other men (out of 100) they believed would also have condomless sex with each woman, and the chances of each woman carrying an STD.


[Photo: Pexels]

And the results found that men would be more likely to use a condom with a woman they found less attractive.

Lead author of the study Anastasia Eleftheriou told Washington Post: ‘Men are more willing to have condomless sex with attractive women… even though they might believe that those women are more likely [to have an STD].’


[Photo: Giphy]

Meanwhile the study’s co-author, Roger Ingham, suggested that perhaps: ‘Men want to reproduce with women they find to be more attractive’, or that if men believe sleeping with attractive women is a big marker of status, they are ‘willing to take more risk to acquire this status’.


[Photo: Flickr/ Rorro Navia]

An interesting result, but remember that the study didn’t ask many men. So instead of making it worry about yourself, remember that one thing is much more certain: someone who’s happy to skip protection is more likely to be irresponsible.

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