Men should be given counselling over fertility struggles in Instagram world of 'perfect families'

Fertility experts called for more support for those undergoing treatment  - PA
Fertility experts called for more support for those undergoing treatment - PA

More men should be given counselling before IVF treatment, with couples struggling to cope with their feelings in an era of Instagram “perfect families” fertility experts have said.

The British Fertility Society clinic called on all clinics to provide better mental health support to those seeking help.

Speaking at the Fertility 2020 conference in Edinburgh, its experts said such help was normally focussed on women undergoing treatment, with more support needed for men.

Dr Jane Stewart, Chairman of the society said:  “The mental health needs of our patients are woefully underserved.

“We need more specialised support to help our patients through what can be a distressing and dark time for some. And the evidence suggests that support including counselling should be tailored to the gender and circumstances of the patient.”

Research on fertility clinics found that counselling services were often inadequate, and sometimes limited to just one hour in total.

She said: “In this ‘Instagram era’, many people experience huge pressure and expectation around creating the ‘perfect’ family. That kind of stress is difficult for anyone to deal with but for someone experiencing infertility it can be devastating.”

Jacky Boivin, Professor of Psychology and British Fertility Society Committee Member said clinics should do more to examine the mental health and history of patients, to see if they were likely to need extra help.

She said support was often needed to help patients cope with the uncertainty of fertility treatment, as well as the strain it could place on relationships.