Mental and emotional health are an ever-growing concern | Mahoney

Exercise (physical activity) for example, does not only have the potential to strengthen your heart and lungs but also releases endorphins, chemical substances that can energize us and improve our mood and outlook.
Exercise (physical activity) for example, does not only have the potential to strengthen your heart and lungs but also releases endorphins, chemical substances that can energize us and improve our mood and outlook.

Whether you realize it or not, mental health plays a big role in your overall well-being.

The National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) has stated the following: “It’s true that many of us struggle with depression, grief, body image or other conditions.” In fact, “One in five people will be affected by mental illness in their lifetime.”

When you’re mentally healthy, you are able to enjoy your life and the people in it, feel good about yourself, keep up good relationships and deal with stress.

It’s normal for your mental health to shift over time — we all face difficult situations in our lives. Creating positive habits is a great way to support your mental health when you're doing well and helps you build skills to use if you do face symptoms of a mental health condition

Awareness: Mental health awareness needs more than one month of attention | Opinion

Exercise: Walk, bike or climb this May to celebrate National Physical Fitness and Sports Month

Tips for achieving good emotional and mental health

As uncertainty seems to be the “norm” in this increasingly fast-paced society — as reported in the news daily, particularly in the realm of politics at the moment — wouldn’t it be good to have some strategies for achieving good mental health and improving our emotional well-being?

Emotionally healthy individuals have better outcomes when they are in control of their emotions and their behavior. Such people are able to build strong relationships, recover from setbacks and handle life’s challenges. However, you may be asking yourself, “How can I improve my own emotional health?”

What is emotional or mental health?

Emotional or mental health refers to your overall psychological well-being. Having good mental health is not just the absence of mental health problems. It refers to the presence of positive characteristics. Not feeling bad is not the same as feeling good. Although you may not necessarily have negative feelings, you still need to do things that make you feel positive in order to achieve mental and emotional health.

Individuals who are mentally and emotionally healthy possess:

  • A sense of contentment

  • The ability to confront stress and bounce back from adversity

  • The flexibility to learn new things and adapt to change

  • The ability to build and maintain relationships that are fulfilling

  • A sense of meaning and purpose, in both their activities and their relationships

  • The ability to find a balance between work and play, rest and activity, etc.

  • A passion for life and the ability to laugh and have fun

  • Self-confidence and high esteem

Now that we’ve defined what emotional health is and looked as some of the characteristics of individuals who have good mental health we can summarize some major components that can assist us in achieving this state. To summarize, some important components follow:

Role of physical health in mental, emotional health

Improving your physical health leads to experiencing greater mental and emotional well-being. Exercise (physical activity) for example, does not only have the potential to strengthen your heart and lungs but also releases endorphins, chemical substances that can energize us and improve our mood and outlook.

Consider the following recommendations:

  • Get enough rest

  • Learn about good nutrition (and practice it)

  • Exercise to relieve stress and improve your mood

  • Get a dose of sunlight every day (10 to 15 minutes per day)

  • Limit alcohol and avoid cigarettes and other drugs

Take care of yourself to improve mental and emotional health

Pay attention to your own needs and feelings to maintain and strengthen your mental and emotional health. Try to maintain a balance between undertaking daily responsibilities and doing things you enjoy so that it is less likely that stress and negative emotions will build up.

Taking care of yourself will give you the preparation to deal with challenges if and when they arise. Consider the following:

  • Do things that have a positive impact on others.

  • Practice self-discipline.

  • Learn or discover new things.

  • Focus on enjoying the beauty of art or nature.

  • Manage your stress levels (stress management strategies can help bring things back into balance such as meditation or yoga).

  • Limit unhealthy habits like worrying.

Supportive relationships as the foundation of emotional health

As humans, we are social creatures and have an emotional need for relationships and positive connections with others. Finding social interaction with someone who is a good listener will foster a supportive relationship as they can “hear” the feelings behind your words and not interrupt or judge or criticize you.

Develop a relationship with someone who you can talk to regularly which can lead to a supportive relationship of listening to each other. Some possible ways to connect to others:

  • Get away from your computer/TV screen.

  • Take daily time to spend with people you like, face-to-face (make it a priority).

  • Volunteer (doing something that helps others).

  • Be a joiner (join networking, social action, conservation, special interest groups).

Issues related to mental health are particularly prevalent in our society. Some recommendations for helping to address this issue (in part) may include dietary approaches and physical activity interventions, as well as mental health screening and appropriate consultation and follow-up.

Certainly, a multi-faceted approach would appear to be one that may have the best possibilities for addressing the important societal issue of mental health.

One additional area of interest with relation to one’s mental health status is that of emotional intelligence defined as the ability to identify and manage one's own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. You can find a summary at

Additional resources

Here are links to a couple of nationwide resources for more information on mental health:

Mental Health America (MHA), founded in 1909, is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. For more detailed information, go to

NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Check out this resource at

The pandemic, inflation and political turmoil are all factors adding to our anxiety levels nowadays. And when these stresses result in more serious mental health issues, there are a wealth of treatment options and resources available in the region.

Use this link to listen to the May 19 WFSU-FM radio broadcast, which focused on local mental health resources

Mark Mahoney
Mark Mahoney

Mark A. Mahoney, Ph.D., has been a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist for over 35 years and completed graduate studies in Nutrition & Public Health at Columbia University. He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Here are tips for improving your mental and emotional health