Merrimack Valley residents protest striking down of Roe v. Wade

Jun. 25—ANDOVER — Hours after Roe V. Wade was struck down, dozens gathered in Shawsheen Square\ to protest the ruling.

Protesters lined the road and were met with honks as they waved. Their signs carried messages like: "My Body My Choice."

The crowd took form Friday evening and quickly grew from a handful to dozens of people.

The protest drew members from community organizations like Andover Indivisible and the Andover Area Solidarity, and was attended by people from throughout the Merrimack Valley.

Massachusetts state Rep. Tram Nguyen, D-Andover, was at the protest as well, saying that seeing the community gathered brought about mixed feelings.

"I feel encouraged to see so many people, but at the same time I am just so baffled as to why do we have to be out here," said Nguyen.

More coming on this story in The Sunday Eagle-Tribune.