The Message: Don't forget to spend some time with Old Faithful

Jen Tyler
Jen Tyler

I had the privilege of spending the past two weeks in Yellowstone National Park, where I tent camped with friends and family.

While we were there, we got to see some of God’s most unique creations from wild animals such as bears, bison, elk, foxes and even a moose, to more mysterious natural wonders such as the Grand Prismatic Springs or countless mud pots and geysers.

One of my favorite moments of this trip came on July 4 as we watched the Old Faithful geyser erupt right on time. As you may know, this famous geyser erupts more than 40 feet into the air and is named after it’s unusual reliability. While most geysers erupt in their own time (one even erupting with so irregularity that it is listed as somewhere between every three days and every 50 years!), Old Faithful erupts like clockwork. Give or take about 10 minutes, and she erupts on a predictable schedule of every 90 minutes.

As if watching her erupt in all her geothermic glory weren’t enough, it felt extra special to watch her go off a couple of times on July 4 in the 150th anniversary year of Yellowstone’s creation as our first national park. As I stood watching the water spray and listening to the crowd’s audible delight, I couldn’t help but to think about the gift of this reliability. Of her consistency. Of knowing that she had been there, doing her thing, for hundreds of years before us.

It's hard to reflect on this without thinking about others around us who are faithful and consistent and reliable. None more so, of course, than the only one who never ever, let us down: Jesus.

Even when it doesn’t feel like it, even when we can’t see it, even when we aren’t sure about the timing that we wish were a little different … Jesus is always there with and for us. He is always wanting for us to turn, to look, to listen and, yes, perhaps even to marvel a little at all that God has done and is continuing to do. Not just today, or yesterday … but for thousands of years past and countless years yet to come.

We know God is with us as Psalm 46:1 assures us that, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

What about those times we aren’t in trouble and we are simply looking for a companion on the journey? My hope is that during these times, when we are marveling at the wonder and work and beauty of God around us, we will pause long enough to realize God is ever-present there, too, as we take time to “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10).

No matter where you are, who you are, what you’ve done or what you’ve left undone, these words assure us that God wants to be your old, faithful friend who is with you – no matter what.

So this summer, as we do our best to get out and enjoy the sunshine, warm air and splashes of cool water on a hot day, may we do so giving thanks for God who has given us all that is and all that ever will be. For God’s faithfulness, consistency, and reliability, let us give thanks!

The Rev. Jen Tyler is senior past at Watertown First United Methodist Church.

This article originally appeared on Watertown Public Opinion: A trip to Yellowstone's Old Faithful is reminder of God's reliability