A message to the pastors and preachers who came to Boise Pride Fest: Repent | Opinion

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To the pastors and preachers who came to the outside of Boise Pride Fest: We will gather gay Christians and allies and come to your churches, some with signs that say “Repent!”, some in suits, some singing hymns and others passing out tracts listing all of your unrepentant sins. But we won’t come to condemn, judge or harass. We will come because we LOVE you so much we don’t want you to suffer eternal damnation. Your house is built on sand, and you have traveled far off the path to the narrow gate because of your sins. We fear for your salvation! You not only refuse to repent, but even justify your disobedience using Old Bible verses or New verses that contradict HIS LAW. How will that go? Will you heed His truth? His word?

Jesus’s words are so simple that anyone can understand them. Love one another. Do not judge. Don’t worship money. Pray, fast and give in secret. Give away all you have to those less fortunate.

The Great Commission compels us to bring to you the words of Jesus Christ: Go and sin no more. Matthew 15:6-9

Eric Gironda, Boise

Speed kills

According to the United States Department of Transportation, there were a total of 12,330 speeding-related deaths in the United States in 2021. Speeding is the cause of nearly one-third of all fatalities involving car or vehicle accidents.

Idaho isn’t immune from speeders. We have a serious problem too. In a recent six month period in Canyon County alone, there were 339 citations issued for excessive speed. The average speed over the limit is 18 miles per hour. What’s actually disconcerting, though, is this average over the limit is exactly the same for posted 50 mph and over or 45 mph and under. During that 6-month period, 11 tickets were issued in posted zones of 45 and under in which the average speed over the limit was 32 mph. These are just the ones actually caught prior to causing an accident or fatality.

As stated by the US DOT, “speeding endangers not only the life of the speeder, but all of the people on the road around them, including law enforcement officers.” That’s our mission as we campaign to curb speeding. We need your input and assistance. Please join us at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 23, at the Caldwell Library, 1010 Dearborn St., Caldwell.

Jeanne Cridebring, Caldwell


As Boise’s mayoral and council elections approach, we face a pressing issue: affordable housing. Our construction and real estate development firm is committed to enhancing our communities and residents’ quality of life. To do this, we must rally behind candidates who can implement innovative solutions and bring our diverse population together.

Affordable housing is not just a challenge; it’s a crisis. Families citywide struggle to find housing within their budget, impacting every corner of our community. We understand the delicate balance between economic viability and affordability, and we believe the right leaders can bridge this gap.

Innovative housing solutions are key. This includes modular construction, mixed-income developments, and sustainable housing to reduce long-term costs.

Unity among our constituents is equally crucial. Boise’s diverse voices, perspectives, and needs must be brought together. We cannot allow politics or personal interests to obstruct secure, inclusive housing.

Support candidates who prioritize collaboration, innovation, inclusivity, sustainability and community engagement. We need leaders who share this commitment.

As elections near, let’s unite behind candidates embodying these principles to build a brighter, more inclusive Boise for all.

Angela Wood, Boise


No longer the “Party of Law and Order,” the Republican Party is the party of scofflaws and disorder, or perhaps just flaws and odor. We ignore them at our peril. Why can’t Republican voters see Donald J. Trump — and his clone car clown patrol in “Party Leadership” — for the clear and present danger to everyone, not just liberals or Democrats — they are? We know why they won’t wake up: What they fear most is being “woke.” If Republicans want to live in a dictatorship, they’re free to renounce their U.S. citizenship and defect to Moscow, and I don’t mean in Idaho. That includes Trump. Bon voyage to them all, and good riddance.

Jefferson Young, Boise


Democrats have latched onto the mantra that Trump represents the downfall of democracy. They are so vociferous with their ubiquitous tirades that many people are reiterating the same lie. It is not the theatrics of Trump but the insidious progressive coup d’etat of government agencies which develop their own policies and levy fines which are neither controlled nor levied by Congress. These fines are distributed by the political preferences of an agency. If a person simply follows the money trail in the news it will be apparent as to which kind of groups and projects receive the fine money.

Of course, this is too honest for Democratic lawmakers since their sole purpose is to stay in office, to wield their power to promote their progressive agenda.

A sign in my workshop says 1) What is the problem; 2) What is causing the problem, 3) What will fix the problem. Think of illegal immigration, oil, gun violence, abortion and city crime. The Democrats’ agendas all start with a faulty analysis of the cause of a problem. Consequently, their “fix” can’t solve it so they use coercion at the expense of liberty and democracy, not Trump.

Michael Civiello, Boise


For some time I have been searching for an alternative to the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist,” which I feel are too mild when characterizing the drivel that comes from the mouths of Trump, Alex Jones and others of that ilk.

Reading an article recently, I had an “aha” moment. The writer used the terms “conspiracy monger” and “conspiracy mongering,” which have a certain bite, I think, as the word “monger” has acquired a negative connotation over the centuries — an unsavory peddler.

I am writing this letter to encourage people who share my outlook to begin using “conspiracy monger” and “conspiracy mongering” in their speech and writing and encourage others to do so.

Douglas Rumbaugh, Eagle