Metro Mix Chorus counts down days to international competition

Lynda Black-Smith
Lynda Black-Smith

Summer for Metro Mix is usually filled with small ensemble performances at events and church services, and we have enjoyed doing a few of those.

However, this summer is unique. One month from now we will be in Phoenix, Arizona, performing at the international Sweet Adeline convention and contest. Excitement is building, and we are very focused on this special opportunity.

Rehearsals are jam-packed with activities, including working in the chorus as a whole and in sectionals. Our director, John Hayden, is finding unique ways to help us as individuals sing, listen and breathe in sync with each other. Section leaders assist with the rehearsals and offer feedback in between.

This year we have been fortunate to have an amazing coach, Scott Kvigne from Minnesota, helping us several times since spring. He has coached and directed other winning choruses and we are learning much from him. He’ll be here again next week and will work with us on fine-tuning our performance.

Kvigne is enthusiastic, animated and helps us discover what is needed to not only sing songs but sell the story within them. A big focus for us right now is becoming more aware and purposeful with the breaths we take as we sing. They have expressive qualities and are important for selling the message.

The Metro Mix Chorus gathers at a rehearsal.
The Metro Mix Chorus gathers at a rehearsal.

Think about how we as individuals moving through life breathe when we are startled or when we are sad. We might gasp at something beautiful, or breathe quickly when excited. We likely quiet our breath while watching the baby sleeping.

Becoming aware of how those breaths affect the expression and our musicality helps us purposefully use them in our songs.

Every singer in this chorus is working individually right now so we are truly a unit in the performance. To do this, we record ourselves occasionally during rehearsals for later review. It involves personal fine-tuning, listening and being totally aware of the guidance of our director.

Our two contest songs are “Foolish Heart” and “Those Eyes.” If we were to be selected for the final 10, there is a three-song package pulled from our repertoire that is performed to determine the winner and rankings. We are working on those songs now as well.

This adds up to jam-packed rehearsals and plenty of individual practice at home, each week.

The Metro Mix Chorus all dressed up for a performance.
The Metro Mix Chorus all dressed up for a performance.

If you would like to see and hear our performance before we head to Arizona, we will be holding a rehearsal and Friends and Family night on Sept. 8 at our rehearsal site, at the Shueyville Methodist Church. Join us at 7 p.m. to listen to a short rehearsal and then a “Friends and Family Performance” of our contest set and several other songs. Anyone is welcome to attend and enjoy our four-part a cappella harmonies.

Now take a deep breath, mark your calendars, and continue with your day. May it be filled with calm breaths, maybe a little excitement, and no major reasons to gasp.

Lynda Black-Smith is a retired art teacher and artist, who loves singing lead in Metro Mix. For more information or questions, email her at

This article originally appeared on Iowa City Press-Citizen: Metro Mix Chorus counts down days to international competition