New Mexico reaches COVID-19 goals

There is good news new mexico! "Yep we are official we have met the gating criteria,” Dr. David Scrase said. But state officials don't believe that is not going to happen until next year. “It's not to turn the light switch on. Its' to lift the dimmer a little bit.” Dr. Scrase said. Governor michelle lujan grisham has said that she will not consider massive re-openings until the state reaches 8 things she calls the gating criteria. The state's top doctors said thursday in a news conference they would like to see the state meet the gating criteria for at least 14 straight days. The gating criteria involves things like the number of i-c-u beds, the amount of personal protective equipment in hospitals and the percentage of the population who have tested positive. Up until this week, this was the only thing we had not met the 7 day average of new cases. We need to be at 168. This week we hit 155. So now that we met the goals, is the governor going to open up more things when the pub