Michael Bloomberg unveils a health care plan that echoes those of Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg unveiled his proposed health care coverage plan on Thursday, the first policy he's rolled out since announcing his presidential bid last month.

The plan itself is not so much an overhaul of the current system but rather a series of tweaks. He includes a "Medicare-like public option" that would be run by the government but paid for by consumer premiums. It would act as an extension of the Affordable Care Act, which a federal court partially struck down on Wednesday. Both former Vice President Joe Biden and South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg also have a similar "public option" in their proposed health care policies.

Bloomberg advocates for the existing ACA in his plan and is proposing expansions like dental and vision coverage. He also wants to lower drug costs by working with Congress to create caps on drug prices.

Health care is a top issue for Democratic voters and it's also a very divisive among the Democratic candidates. Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) are advocates of Medicare-for-all, while more moderate candidates think a public option would be more achievable. Bloomberg won't have a chance to publicly discuss the merits of his proposed plan just yet, though — he didn't qualify for Thursday night's Democratic primary debate.

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