Michael Gableman, leader of the GOP's review of the 2020 vote, disparages state's election director for how she dresses

Michael Gableman, the former state Supreme Court justice who led the GOP review of the 2020 election, arrives to deliver a report during an informational hearing of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at the Capitol in Madison.
Michael Gableman, the former state Supreme Court justice who led the GOP review of the 2020 election, arrives to deliver a report during an informational hearing of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, at the Capitol in Madison.

MADISON – When Republican attorney Michael Gableman took to the airwaves Tuesday, he didn’t just attack the governor, the attorney general, two judges and five members of the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission.

He also took a shot at how the woman leading the commission dresses.

"Black dress, white pearls — I’ve seen the act, I’ve seen the show," Gableman said on WTAQ-AM of Meagan Wolfe, director of the Elections Commission.

When host Joe Giganti said he recently saw Wolfe wearing a gold locket rather than pearls, Gableman responded, "Oh, Hillary Clinton."

The off-script comment came as Gableman, a former state Supreme Court justice, made the case that the Elections Commission should be dissolved and voting rules overhauled. Gableman is conducting his review of the 2020 election using $676,000 in taxpayer funds provided by Republicans who control the Assembly.

"I'm a professional who takes my job seriously," Wolfe said in a written statement. "Comments directed at my appearance are a far cry from being serious, and are beneath anybody who purports to be undertaking a review of subject matter as important as election integrity."

Ann Jacobs, the Democratic chairwoman of the Elections Commission, said Gableman should apologize and questioned why he was commenting on how women look but not men.

"I think it is disgusting that Mr. Gableman has decided to reduce himself to critiquing somebody's clothing instead of appreciating the hard work and effort that Meagan Wolfe does as the administrator of the Wisconsin Elections Commission," Jacobs said. "It clearly shows that his mind is not on impartially adjudicating election questions but rather on attempting to disparage true professionals."

Jacobs added: "Apparently the only person whose clothing he's noticed is the woman in the equation."

Gableman through a spokesman did not respond to questions from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about why he made the remark and whether he believed an apology was in order.

More: On Steve Bannon podcast, Michael Gableman appeals to Trump supporters for help keeping the doors open on his Wisconsin election review

During his appearance on Giganti’s show and an affiliated podcast, Gableman ripped into Democratic Gov. Tony Evers, Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul and five of the six members of the Elections Commission. He said two of the Republicans on the commission — Dean Knudson and Marge Bostelmann — are only "nominally" Republicans even though Knudson has said he wanted Donald Trump to win re-election to the presidency.

More: Gableman skips election and instead visits Trump's resort as he makes baseless voting claims

Assembly Republicans hired Gableman to review the election after recounts and courts found Joe Biden had beaten Trump in the state. He has argued lawmakers should consider rescinding the state’s 10 electoral votes for Biden even though legal experts — including Gableman’s attorney, James Bopp Jr. — have said that is legally impossible.

Contact Patrick Marley at patrick.marley@jrn.com. Follow him on Twitter at @patrickdmarley.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Michael Gableman disparages elections director for how she dresses