Michigan Supreme Court bans LGBTQ discrimination: What new ruling means

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Michigan's highest court ruled Thursday a 1976 law bans firing someone, evicting them or otherwise discriminating against them because they are a member of the LGBTQ community.

The 5-2 ruling is a substantial shift in state policy that advocates say will have a real impact on people's lives. Heralded by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, other politicians and key business leaders, the true impact of the decision comes both in implementation and any corresponding law changes it may prompt.

Here's a breakdown of what the order says, what it means and how it may affect Michiganders in the future:

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What does the law say?

The Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, first passed in 1976, covers a wide array of discrimination.

The law says in part, "The opportunity to obtain employment, housing and other real estate, and the full and equal utilization of public accommodations, public service, and educational facilities without discrimination because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status as prohibited by this act, is recognized and declared to be a civil right."

How does this ruling affect the law?

The Michigan Supreme Court determined the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, as written, bans discrimination based on sexual orientation, pointing to the part of the law that expressly bans discrimination on the basis of sex.

The majority of justices determined it's impossible to discriminate against someone due to their sexual orientation without also discriminating based on sex.

"The determination of sexual orientation involves both the sex of the individual and the sex of their preferred partner; referring to these considerations jointly as “sexual orientation” does not remove sex from the calculation," wrote Justice Elizabeth Clement, a Republican, for the majority.

What about gender identity?

The underlying cases that prompted this ruling dealt both with discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. While the Michigan Supreme Court's case specifically focuses on sexual orientation, the ruling does also reference gender identity repeatedly and makes arguments that signal it, too, is likely covered by the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

The Michigan Department of Civil Rights already issued a directive in 2018 indicating discrimination based on gender identity violated the law. The Michigan Court of Claims agreed, specifically citing a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that found in part it is "impossible to discriminate against a person for being homosexual or transgender without discriminating against that individual based on sex."

The state Supreme Court relied heavily on this federal ruling in its own decision. It repeatedly noted the definition of sex is broad, pointing to the expansive nature of the term in law through several footnotes.

"We agree that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily involves discrimination on the basis of sexual stereotypes, and we believe that this theory could serve as an alternate basis for holding that sex discrimination occurred in this case," one footnote reads.

Another notes the outcome of this case would not have been different if the defendants involved were bisexual.

"A discriminator cannot escape liability for sex discrimination on the basis that the individual discriminated against has a sexual orientation that the discriminator does find acceptable in addition to the sexual orientation that the discriminator does not find acceptable," the opinion states.

All of these standards could be applied to gender identity, and the state Department of Civil Rights plans to continue investigating related allegations of discrimination.

"On May 21, 2018, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission issued an interpretive statement declaring that the word ‘sex’ in Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act encompasses gender identity and sexual orientation," said Michigan Civil Rights Commission Chairperson Portia Roberson in a statement issued immediately after the court's ruling.

"The Commissioner’s courageous decision allowed the Michigan Department of Civil Rights to accept complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex from Michigan’s LGBTQ community. We knew the ultimate test could come in the courts, and today the values of equity and inclusion won over the voices that would forever keep our LGBTQ neighbors in the shadows of society."

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What's the practical impact of the ruling?

Anyone who believes they have been discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity can file a complaint with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

The department routinely investigates allegations of discrimination, working with both the person making the complaint and the accused on trying to find a solution. More on the complaint process and an online portal for filing a complaint are available at the department's website, www.michigan.gov/MDCR.

What are businesses and the Catholic Church saying?

Many prominent business organizations already supported protections for the LGBTQ community.

"This ruling is a positive development for Michigan in its ongoing battle to attract and retain talent," said Sandy Baruah, president and chief executive officer of the Detroit Regional Chamber.

"Attraction and retention of talent remains a critical concern of Michigan employers, and welcoming policies such as this help address this challenge.”

Jeff Donofrio, president and CEO of nonprofit Business Leaders for Michigan, agreed.

"Our people are the lifeblood of our businesses — and this ruling ensures Michiganders cannot be discriminated against based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The Michigan Supreme Court’s decision makes Michigan a stronger and more competitive state," Donofrio said in a statement.

The Michigan Catholic Conference was not as pleased.

In a statement, leaders argued the ruling usurped the role of the Legislature to create the laws for the state and posed potential constitutional problems in connection to "religious liberty."

"We profess that marriage is the union of one man and one woman united through life and open to the birth of children, even as society and culture has recently moved in a historically different direction. Christians are not called to conform to the culture, but to speak to it with truth and love," said an unattributed statement issued by the conference.

“We will continue to advocate for religious liberty rights and seek to uphold constitutional principles that provide legal protections for those who serve others in the public square — particularly the poor and vulnerable — according to their religious mission."

What about the politicians?

Democratic lawmakers are rejoicing, while many Republicans are staying quiet.

“As a mom, a governor, and proud ally of the community, I am so grateful for this ruling. It will save lives, protect families, and help ensure that every Michigander is treated with dignity and respect by law," Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement.

"For too long, LGBTQ+ Michiganders had been left out of our state’s civil rights protections. No longer. Because of this ruling, nobody can legally be fired from their job or evicted from their home because of who they love."

State Sen. Jeremy Moss, D-Southfield, has spent years advocating for legislation to expressly include language barring discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation in the law. He told the Free Press the court's ruling was surreal.

"We knew all along that LGBTQ are worthy, that our work provides value. That we should be able to seek employment and housing comfortably here in the state of Michigan without discrimination," Moss said.

"And so now that the Supreme Court has said that we've been on the right side of this argument, it should only continue our efforts to enshrine some of these protections that are still under threat from a fringe both in the state Legislature and on the U.S. Supreme Court."

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Wait, isn't the court's ruling final?

The decision is final, but Moss noted that a future court with different justices could arrive at a different conclusion.

The ruling only further underscores the need to expressly include the terms "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" in the law, Moss said, echoing the comments of many other advocates. He said once the Legislature returns in September from its summer recess he's going to push again for lawmakers to take up his bill that would add this language to the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act.

"I've said this all along: If my bill was put up to a vote, it would pass in the Legislature. It is an extreme minority view to continue discrimination against the LGBTQ community in employment and in housing and in services," Moss said.

He specifically pointed to Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, and other Republican legislative leaders as the reason his bill hasn't come up for a vote. Pointing to Shirkey's acts to derail a commemorative resolution recognizing Pride Month in Michigan, Moss said some lawmakers only want to divide.

"I fully expect the hate caucus in the Legislature to continue to attack those in our community," Moss said.

In a statement, Shirkey said he respects the court's ruling but is concerned about some effects of the decision.

"All people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. This includes those with firmly held religious beliefs," Shirkey said.

"My great hope is that, going forward, our society, laws, and court rulings will recognize our faith-based institutions and communities with the respect, dignity, and rights they are clearly provided in our Constitution.”

Contact Dave Boucher: dboucher@freepress.com or 313-938-4591. Follow him on Twitter @Dave_Boucher1.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Michigan Supreme Court bans LGBTQ discrimination: What it means