Microplastics discovered in plants, raising prospect that no plate of food is free of contamination

Scientists have discovered that microplastics in the soil can travel into the cells of wheat and lettuce  - Andy Davey / SWNS.com
Scientists have discovered that microplastics in the soil can travel into the cells of wheat and lettuce - Andy Davey / SWNS.com

Microplastics have been discovered in plants, a new study shows, raising the prospect that no plate of food is free from the pollution.

It has already been found in fish, which are at the most risk as plastic particles float in the sea, entering the aquatic food chain. Meat which has been packaged in plastic has also been found to contain the pollutant.

Now, scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have found that the tiny particles are able to be drawn up through the roots of plants growing in contaminated soil.

The research, published in Nature Sustainability, found the small particles of plastic in the roots of wheat and lettuce.

Particles are formed by the degradation of plastics in the environment, leaching into the soil. Wastewater, an important source of water for agricultural irrigation, also contains small-sized microplastics.

While it was known that large organisms such as fish can ingest microplastics, scientists previously thought the particles would be too big to pass through the roots of plants.

Professor Yongming Luo, who authored the study, said: "Cracks at the emerging sites of new lateral roots of lettuce and wheat crops can take in microplastics from the surrounding soil and water. Those microplastics can then be transferred from the roots up to the edible parts of the crop."

It was believed that particles larger than 50 nanometres would not be able to penetrate plant cells. However, they found that pieces of plastic 40 times larger than this could fit in the roots, as they were flexible.

This study is likely to cause concern for governments as the detrimental effect to our health of consuming microplastics is not yet fully understood, though preliminary studies suggest it could potentially cause organ damage and reproductive issues.

The study authors said this raises "obvious concerns about growing crops on fields contaminated with wastewater treatment discharge or sewage sludge, a process that could introduce microplastics into the food chain."

Louise Edge, senior campaigner at Greenpeace, said: "We've already heard that plastic waste is degrading into tiny particles and finding its way into our seafood, tap water, beer, and even the air we breathe. Now we hear plastic may also be working its way into our lettuce, wheat and other food crops."

"Shoppers choose to buy loose produce to avoid single-use plastic packaging, so reports that tiny microplastics could be getting inside vegetables and cereal crops directly from the environment is disheartening, not to mention unappealing."