
Mid-Buchanan baseball survives a Pembroke Hill comeback

Apr. 5—Out at Faucett, Missouri, the Mid-Buchanan Dragons were showcasing their new turf baseball field as they hosted the Class 5 Pembroke Hill Raiders. Both teams brought a winning streak into this one, but the Dragons were able to extend their streak with a 14-12 win.

In the first inning, the Raiders tallied a run after a hit towards left field took a couple bounces on the infield turf, buying time for a runner on third to easily run home. It was a different story for the Dragons, who countered the Raiders' attack with three runs of their own to go up 3-1 early.

In the second inning, the Raiders were shut down, but so were the Dragons. After the two teams put up a combined four runs in the first inning, neither team could muster a single run in the second. The third was much of the same for the Raiders, but the Dragons soared to a 5-1 lead after two runs in the third.

Through four innings, the Dragons held a 7-1 lead, which was erased in just one inning. The fifth saw nine runs scored from the Raiders alone, and they found themselves back in the driver's seat. Mid-Buchanan wouldn't stop fighting, regaining a 11-10 lead heading into the sixth inning.

Like a teeter totter, back and forth lead changes as the Raiders regained a 12-11 lead in the sixth, but the Dragons used a three-run homerun to come away with the victory. They'll be back in action Thursday at Penney.

Calvin Silvers can be reached at