The mid-point home in 5 Wichita ZIP codes is worth at least $400K. See latest from Zillow

Home values continue to rise in Wichita, up 8.4% year-over-year in 34 area ZIP codes.

That’s according to real estate site Zillow’s Home Value Index, which indicates the highest mid-point home value in the area is in ZIP code 67228 at $426,849. Four other ZIP codes in Wichita also have a median value exceeding $400,000.

Here’s a look at ZIP codes in the city and how the median home values there have changed over the last year. The average home in the city of Wichita for all ZIP codes is worth around $246,000, according to Zillow.

The five ZIP codes in the area with the highest mid-point values are:

  • 67228 with a median value of $426,849

  • 67227 with a median value of $415,537

  • 67223 with a median value of $406,889

  • 67230 with a median value of $405,860

  • 67232 with a median value of $403,937

Note: This interactive graphic will automatically update as new data become available.

The ZIP code with the lowest median home price is 67214 with a value of $66,615, Zillow indicates.

The five ZIP codes around Wichita with the lowest value are:

  • 67214 with a median value of $66,615

  • 67213 with a median value of $97,748

  • 67211 with a median value of $99,393

  • 67216 with a median value of $115,901

  • 67218 with a median value of $128,507

The postal code with the highest percentage increase in value is 67214, with the mid-range home valued at $66,615, which is a 24.48% increase from February 2022 to February 2023.

ZIP code 67205 had the lowest percentage increase over the last year, valued at $336,183 and increasing 4.44%.

Here are the median home values of some Wichita neighborhoods, according to Zillow:

  • McAdams has a median value of $59,536

  • Central 2000 has a median value of $65,319

  • Historic Midtown has a median value of $95,405

  • Kellogg School has a median value of $85,044

  • New Salem has a median value of $69,855

  • Riverside has a median value of $175,918

  • Delano has a median value of $105,070

  • The Elm has a median value of $79,644

  • Murdock has a median value of $66,562