Middletown to host recycling event

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Jan. 27—Middletown will host a bulk-item recycling event in March.

The event will accept clothing, metals, paint cans, and electronics items during the town's next bulk trash day on March 11 behind the town's municipal building at 31 W. Main St.

Clothing will be collected by Helpsy, a for-profit company that seeks to keep clothing and textiles out of landfills.

Products such as clothing, shoes, and accessories make up 10% of items in landfills, according to the company's website.

Metal products will be collected by Bill Traub, a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Money collected from the sale of the metal will be distributed to local charities and used mainly by the Middletown Ministerium — which consists of committee members that each represent a different church in Middletown — to buy supplies used for the Community Days of Service to help area residents who need repairs to their homes and properties.

Paint cans will be accepted at the cost of $5 each by Northern Virginia-based Yuck Old Paint.

Reusable paint will be distributed to international humanitarian construction projects, theater projects in the United States, and local contractors.

Unusable paint will be processed and disposed of so that it doesn't pose a threat to the water and soil tables.

The Buddy Project, a Frederick organization dedicated to helping disabled and low-income people, will collect electronic items except tube-style monitors and televisions.

Computer hard drives will be wiped to standards used by the Department of Defense or destroyed, with tax deduction and proof of destruction provided.

The Buddy Project provides refurbished computers for their clients.

Follow Ryan Marshall on Twitter: @RMarshallFNP