Midvale Village Council


KEY ACTION Mark Bassett was sworn in as a new council member by Mayor Larry Kopp. Bassett fills the vacant seat of Wayne Brandon, who stepped down recently. Bassett was also a former member of the Board of Public Affairs.

DISCUSSION: Council discussed possible water rate increases that could cover the cost of any loans for the Water filtration plant. It was suggested a $5 increase, every 6 months for two years and then 1% after that. Fiscal Officer Georgianne Turner said the rates were based on figures received if the water plant is built and the water system is not sold to Aqua Ohio. Rates can also vary depending on the length of the loan which is not decided. Administrator Brian Anderson suggested they go forward with building the filtration system before they lose the grants that have been received. Turner said anyone is welcome to come to the office and get what information and figures she has.


  • Council President Randy Cadle said in light of all that's going on, he would like to see an increased police presence at the Midvale Elementary School. Council agreed and also approved hiring a crossing guard from 7-8:30 a.m. each morning that school is in session. It was agreed to pay $12 an hour for the service. Anyone interested should contact Mayor Kopp at the Village Hall, at 330-339-1939. It was not known if there was training required prior to taking the position.

  • Cadle said the Midvale United Methodist Church will be conducting another food distribution on Nov. 10, at the town hall.


  • Jim Ford presented council with a letter from the Ohio EPA, where he had highlighted that Midvale Public Water System is not under any formal orders from the Ohio EPA to install treatment. But Cadle noted that it also says that the Ohio EPA highly recommends the physical removal of these contaminants from public drinking water, which in this case is manganese. Cadle said they are still required by law to remove the manganese from the water system.

  • Cadle said he feels council needs to discuss as a group the available data and figures they have before taking a vote on any action. "I don't know what anyone on council thinks right now or what they want to do," he said. A Finance Committee meeting is set for Aug. 17, at 5 p.m.

  • Anderson said he is wanting to get estimates for the resurfacing of the intersection of Barnhill Road and State Street Anyone wanting to take on the project can contact Anderson at the town hall.

  • Buildings and some picnic tables at the park have been painted.

  • Rutledge Street, from South Street to the corporation line, has been chip and sealed.

  • There were 48 calls in July for the Police Department, according to Police Chief Anderson.

  • The tornado warning button is broken and will need repaired, Anderson said. He said they may want to talk to the Dennison Fire Department regarding sending someone up to activate the tornado warning in case of an emergency because Midvale Police department is not a 24/7 operation. Ford said another option may be for residents to register to take part in the Reverse 911 system.

UP NEXT Will meet Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m., in the park pavilion.

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Midvale Village Council meeting