Midvale Village Council ends water clerk position

Oct. 13 meeting

KEY ACTION: Agreed by emergency measure to terminate the position of water clerk. Administrative Assistant Brittany Long will pick up those responsibilities.

DISCUSSION: The decision was made following an executive session to discuss personnel. Council President Randy Cadle said combining the two jobs will save the village $150 per week.


  • Agreed to look into whether an alley that runs behind McComb's Market near South Street was to remain open. A resident said the alley had been grandfathered in when her property was purchased years ago but is now blocked off.

  • Will have an ordinance drawn up to address free range poultry and other fowl running loose and onto community property.

  • Agreed to raise the fine for those who are not in compliance with the cleanup ordinance. It is currently $10 and council agreed it should be up to $100, with $50 per day for every day the resident is not in compliance. Solicitor Greg Swope said he will have an ordinance ready to sign at the next meeting.


  • The Veteran's Day Luncheon is set for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 11 at the Park Pavilion. Mayor Larry Kopp, who is a veteran, said he will be making mashed potatoes and gravy. The Midvale United Methodist Church has offered to bring desserts for the event.

  • Leaf pickup will be Nov. 9 and 16. Leaves should be bagged and placed at the curb.

  • The Senior Luncheon will be at 11 a.m. Dec. 7 at the Park Pavilion.

  • The Lions Club's annual Halloween Parade is at 7 p.m. Oct. 26th at Midvale Elementary. Trick or treat is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 29.

  • The Midvale United Methodist Church will have a food distribution on Nov. 10 at the town hall. It is for Midvale residents only.

UP NEXT: Will meet at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 10 at the Park Pavilion.

— Cindy Davis

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Midvale Village Council ends water clerk position