Migrants dropped off outside VP Harris' home after Texas-DC trip

STORY: Venezuelan migrant David Morales told Reuters he was not expecting to be "left adrift" after the 40-hour bus journey.

"I came to Washington, right? Looking for the possibility to find work and get ahead, like everybody else,” Cuban migrant, Leonardo Perdomo said.

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott has recently expanded his efforts to push responsibility for border crossers to his Democratic political opponents.

Texas has bused more than 7,000 migrants to Washington, D.C. and New York City since April, spending nearly $13 million on the initiative through Aug. 8, according to state data obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Carla Bustillos, a volunteer working with NGOs that care for migrants, said the coalition of organizations was waiting for the buses to arrive at Union Station, only to find they had dropped the migrants off outside the Vice President's residency.

Abbott, who is seeking a third term in November's midterm elections, says the buses are needed because Democratic President Joe Biden has failed to secure the border with Mexico.

In a similar move, a group of immigrants landed on the Massachusetts island of Martha's Vineyard on Wednesday (September 14).

Florida governor Ron DeSantis took credit for the arrival of two planes of immigrants, one spokeswoman told Fox News and a second said on Twitter, though a Massachusetts state representative said immigrants had arrived from Texas.