Mill Fire fatalities identified

Sep. 14—The Siskiyou County Sheriff's Office identified the two Weed, California, residents killed in the Mill Fire Sept. 2 as 73-year-old Marilyn Hilliard and 65-year-old Lorenza Glover.

The two women lived in different areas within or near Weed's Lincoln Heights neighborhood.

The fire, reported at 12:49 p.m. Sept. 2, started at the Roseburg Forest Products veneer plant on the edge of Weed.

The fire started on Friday afternoon at the start of Labor Day weekend and quickly raged through Lincoln Heights, driven by fierce winds and high temperatures. Within a couple of hours, the blaze reached Lake Shastina, a community 9 miles away.

The fire burned 3,935 acres, destroyed 118 structures, damaged 26 structures and injured three people including fire personnel and civilians.

The fire was declared fully contained at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, according to Cal Fire Siskiyou Unit's Facebook page.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, according to Cal Fire, but Roseburg Forest Products stated last week that its veneer mill appeared to have been the ignition source. The company said it was setting up a $50 million community restoration fund to help the community recover from the fire.