Minnesota elections 2022: District 55A

House District 55A

Jess Hanson

  • Age: 36

  • Party: DFL

  • City: Burnsville

  • What qualifies you to hold this position? My bipartisan record in the legislature demonstrates the critical bills I have passed for the South Metro. I have passed bills that affect so many Minnesotans’ lives and that I knew could pass our divided legislature. My decisions are based on the belief that politics is how we care about each other and that we deserve a responsible government.

  • What would your top priorities be if elected? Equitable education means inclusive schools offering healthy meals, student mental health support, and smaller class sizes.
    A responsible government that listens to your needs and amplifies your voices.
    Economic opportunities are vital for Minnesota. I’ll fight for middle-class tax cuts, lower childcare costs, and housing solutions.

  • Politics has become very divisive in recent years, if elected, what would you do to improve the tone?
    I don’t think that hyperpartisanship serves anybody. Minnesotans expect a responsible government that can see past our political differences and focuses on our shared humanity. I’ve proven I can overcome partisanship by sharing our stories, having the patience to listen to my colleagues, and collaboratively serving the most vulnerable in Minnesota.

  • Website or contact: www.jesshansonforhouse.com

Gabriela Kroetch

  • Age: 43

  • Party: GOP

  • City: Savage

  • What qualifies you to hold this position? I was born and raised in Slovakia, at the end of a four-decade-long communist rule. My family and I experienced the immense injustices of this regime. Seeing some similarities appearing during Covid has prompted me to get involved and make sure our society doesn’t allow oppressive measures to become a permanent part of our lives here in Minnesota.

  • What would your top priorities be if elected? Minnesotans are faced with increasing costs for gas, food, and everyday living. Meaningful and permanent tax cuts will alleviate the financial burden we experience. Rising crime is crippling a lot of our neighborhoods. As a state representative, I’ll make sure our communities have funds to hire expertly trained police officers to keep us safe.

  • Politics has become very divisive in recent years, if elected, what would you do to improve the tone?
    If we want our lives here in Minnesota to improve we have to listen to each other. We can have differences of opinion but we should all strive to make our communities better and respectfully work toward this common goal. Inflammatory language has become a part of our lives and I hope we can remove it from politics altogether.

  • Website or contact: www.gabrielaformnhouse.com